“Cui Bono” for Them Not for You – IOTW Report

“Cui Bono” for Them Not for You

Latin for “Who Benefits,” “Cui Bono” is one of the most important phrases on corruption handed down by the Romans. It is also key to understanding who has a hand up Biden’s puppet hole. This time it’s Blackrock and the Chinese automakers it has poured billions into in recent years to build giant EV auto plants in Mexico. Here

4 Comments on “Cui Bono” for Them Not for You

  1. Mean while Captain Brain Dead is writing EO’s as fast as he can to force you to purchase an EV. He’s managed to some how allow China to B Pass any tariffs on these vehicles. This is an effort to kill our auto industry. And the UAW supports it. Go figure.

  2. EVs are a huge scam. Cobalt from the Congo (Youtube it for eye-opening videos), Lithium which kills birds and depletes groundwater, 500,000 pounds of dirt moved to make 1,000 pound battery, let alone smelt it, all the copper mined etc, for the motor, inability to recycle, fires that won’t extinguish, and 1800 times more particulates released than IC engine (*Tires wearing out from the extra weight). Plus, the inability of the grid to handle the juice required to charge them, problems with temperature and charging/range, the list could be longer.

    No wonder consumers won’t buy them.

  3. If it weren’t for our corrupt “Justice” Dept. and Media (along with myriad other corrupt politicians, agencies, and stooges) we wouldn’t be having these problems.

    Funny how allowing the denizens of the septic tank to run the country turned everything to shit, isn’t it?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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