Cummings (D) set to return to Washington next week, wife considers 2018 gov run – IOTW Report

Cummings (D) set to return to Washington next week, wife considers 2018 gov run

Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, who has been recovering from a heart procedure for months, told The Baltimore Sun on Monday he expects to return to Capitol Hill next week.

The Baltimore Democrat, the ranking member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, underwent what his office described as a “minimally invasive” heart procedure in May. Cummings said in July that an infection prolonged his recovery.

Sounding more like himself than he has in months, Cummings said he would have to make more time to take care of himself — no more 20-hour days, he said — but said he believes the experience will ultimately make him a better lawmaker.

Cummings will not return to Washington on Tuesday, when his colleagues arrive on Capitol Hill after the August recess to begin a punishing to-do list that includes approving government funding, raising the debt ceiling and voting for emergency spending for Hurricane Harvey recovery.

Instead, Cummings said, he expects to return Sept. 11.  MORE

21 Comments on Cummings (D) set to return to Washington next week, wife considers 2018 gov run

  1. Nothing will stop a member of the house or senate from stepping down. Not senility, cancer, heart disease or age. What is it about Americans that keep re-electing these old people? Stupidity!

  2. “ranking member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee”

    So, that’s why the swamp’s been refilling! You can all rest assured that as soon as the pol from Baltimore, in the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, with the longest seniority of all the pols in the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, gets back to town, and takes care of “a punishing to-do list that includes approving government funding, raising the debt ceiling and voting for emergency spending for Hurricane Harvey recovery,” but with “no more 20-hour days,” that ending corruption, will start right back up. Rest assured. Just rest. You’re feeling sleepy. Very sleep

  3. There should be signs around
    Cumming’s district stating
    “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”. His constituents have
    been rotting in his ghetto kingdom
    over his 30 year reign; and now
    they are stupid enough to vote
    for the wife?

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