Cuomo Does Inappropriate Double Entendre with Female Reporter Right In Front of His Daughter! – IOTW Report

Cuomo Does Inappropriate Double Entendre with Female Reporter Right In Front of His Daughter!

ht/ JS

He asks the female reporter to “eat the whole sausage” in a lascivious manner.

What a creep. His daughter is sitting to his right.

11 Comments on Cuomo Does Inappropriate Double Entendre with Female Reporter Right In Front of His Daughter!

  1. Nobody taught his daughter table manners.
    .Way to much pasta
    on that fork.Not lady like at all.
    And yes I eat like a pig at home by

  2. There is a pic that just came out of Cuomo grabbing a girls face at a wedding.
    Chick looks terrified.
    It begs to be photoshopped like the Joker in the Dark Knight grabbing Harvey Dent & Batman’s girlfriend at a party and saying “is it the scars?”

  3. This does not seem too bad to me but I can’t stand the prick so, Fuck Him!

    …and that reporter seems like the Kalamalamadingdong type to me.

    You make your own bed in life.

  4. Loco, that’s exactly my read. A slap on the wrist, or prison time. He fucked up. Also when guys crack wise like this all the time it’s a good indicator they have LOW T. And saggy balls.

  5. Guess who my Petey B took a selfie with as Andrew Cuomo rhymes with HOMO ate the whole sausage you hater potaters? You guessed right if you said my unbleached elastic starfish!


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