Cute and Funny is a Good Way To Go Through Life – IOTW Report

Cute and Funny is a Good Way To Go Through Life

Too many on the right are not in on the joke.

Relax, she is trolling.

ht/ wait for it

10 Comments on Cute and Funny is a Good Way To Go Through Life

  1. Hilarious! Yes, the left is this stupid. She just gave them an idea they might use. Any tools that can be serious about pink pussy hats will grab onto a feminit triple K strategy.

  2. And then the next one calls…

    “Is this Susan Collins’ office? I like to you to give a message to the Senator.”

    “Yes ma’am. Are you with the Kegels Klutch Klan also?”

    “The what??? Who am I speaking with???”


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