Dade Phelan, the drunk RINO Texas House Speaker who spearheaded the impeachment against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, withdrew from his role on Friday.
Ken Paxton released a statement on the demise of Dade Phelan and accused him of “prioritizing Democrat interests over his own caucus.”
Recall that Dade Phelan appeared on the Texas House floor last year inebriated and slurring his words.
In May 2023, Ken Paxton called for Dade Phelan to resign after “Texans were dismayed to witness his performance presiding over the Texas House in a state of apparent debilitating intoxication.” more here
****** assholes in the tx assembly who voted for the paxton impeachment, proceed @ your own risk
the founders only mistake: allowing legislator-******* to determine their own organization & procedures. hence, the lawyer-blowjob system of committees and dictatorial sphincter oth ‘position’ – any apointed or elected ****** should fear recall every day.
got zero punishment for orchestrating a no-evidence trial, rat running committees, & a parliment clown
Poster child for the Republican establishment
“you can vote us out, but not punish us for our ****** bullshit” – texas assembly assholes
don’t forget the bonnen/nevarez druggie bullshit.
The pure definition of an asshole…
keep up with the censor-****** work, asshole
phela-tio, gtfo & stay out