Daily Beast accused of ‘doxxing’ alleged creator of ‘Drunk Pelosi’ video – Doxxed Man Considering Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Daily Beast accused of ‘doxxing’ alleged creator of ‘Drunk Pelosi’ video – Doxxed Man Considering Lawsuit


The Daily Beast faced a heavy backlash on social media Sunday after one of its reporters was accused of doxxing a private citizen who allegedly created a manipulated video that falsely portrays House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. as if she were intoxicated and posted it on Facebook.

Daily Beast reporter Kevin Poulsen tweeted Saturday night that he had been “looking for the Russian troll behind the ‘Drunk Pelosi’ viral video hoax. Turns out he’s an itinerant forklift operator from the Bronx who’s been secretly running hard-right ‘news’ outlets across social media for years. Also, not Russian.” The tweet included a link to a story that identified the man by name and detailed his employment history, past relationships and social media footprint. The subheadline of the story described the man as “a sports blogger from the Bronx [who is] currently on probation for domestic battery.”

The article initially included a picture of the man, but that had been removed from the story as of Sunday night.


The three-minute clip of a May 22 Pelosi speaking event at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, was uploaded on Facebook by a group called “Politics WatchDog.” The video shows her frequently slurring her words and her voice sounding garbled. Copies of the clip had also been found on Twitter and YouTube, which the latter had removed.

The Daily Beast report was met with strong criticism from reporters for outlets with varying editorial slants. Huffington Post and New York magazine contributor Yashar Ali tweeted: “[I]t sets a really bad precedent when a private citizen, particularly someone who is working a blue collar job, has their identity publicly revealed simply because they made a video of a politician appearing to be drunk. His identity offers nothing to this story.”

The Wrap media editor Jon Levine described the story as “[a] hit job on a completely private citizen … over a joke video of Pelosi that happened to go viral.”

Fox Business Network’s Charlie Gasparino tweeted: “The @thedailybeast spends a lot of time telling us everything we don’t need to know about the guy behind the dopey Pelosi video, which is so far from the real story of our shoot-first, facts later social media culture (see covington boys and a lot more).”

“I’m looking at my options for possible legal action against anyone who was associated in publishing that inaccurate trash article about me, misquoting me and accusing me of being the creator of the Speaker Pelosi video that went viral,” the man said in a description of a “legal action fund” he set up on GoFundMe.


11 Comments on Daily Beast accused of ‘doxxing’ alleged creator of ‘Drunk Pelosi’ video – Doxxed Man Considering Lawsuit

  1. Reminds me of when the Journal News in NY thought it would be fun to dox all the gun owners of Westchester and another county in NY with a map of where they lived. Except all they really did was show all the crooks which places were not armed.

    Also happened to see the Twitter feed of the asshat who did the doxxing and apparently he has a criminal history himself for fooling around on the internet.

  2. Conservative lawyers could make a killing with lawsuits going after these people. Don’t charge the client unless he won and take these people to the cleaners.

  3. Is that reporter the same Kevin Poulson that’s being investigated for child porn and several home break-ins that involve the theft of mens soiled underwear?

  4. Don’t you rememeber. . .
    There were multiple drunk Pelosi videos.
    The ones the MSM ran were the ones they concocted themselves.
    This one was just an excuse to get a Trump supporter.

    SEE: Biscuits & Gravy May 25, 2019 at 12:02 pm
    DNCmsNBCNN is attempting to preempt this by creating and releasing their own doctored drunk Nancy videos, ala commode central daily shows, and then blaming it on Trump. Typical democrat campaign style dirty tricksters. This summer will be full of them.

    But the ARChived TV TIME Stamp and Date OFFICIAL Record Recordings from Ancient TV History Vaults will always be there. The Internets are forever.

    – – – – – – –

    PS: YouTube has fake Trump Supporters that make lots of videos. They are actually Never Trumpers. Be aware. If you ever hear or see something from a creep named S.t.e.v.e.n D. K.e.l.l.y on a show called T.r.u.t.h C.a.t R.a.d.i.o, run the other direction. The dude is nuckin futz. He thinks he is a real Ladies Man. You’ll laugh if you hear his shtick. Butters up old wimmins and then hits them up for cash to support his anti-Trump ops. Wait’ll you see his picture. Also, he really hates museums. And Trump. Beware.
    The name was obfuscated to prevent searches from being linked here. Something some of you need to learn, btw.

    The names of a few more will be released but obfuscated in the same way. Keep an eye on it.

  5. They should leave Pelosi alone … it’s not nice to make fun of the handicapped.
    And she’s had a series of petit mals.
    She’s really not responsible for anything she says – she just blathers bullshit and it sometimes sounds coherent – sometimes not – sort of random word groupings (think of the old saw of an infinite number of monkeys typing for an infinite number of years will produce the Encyclopedia Britannica).

    Either that or she wasn’t too smart to begin with.
    She may also be a late-stage syphilitic (she was known to frequent the Baltimore docks in her youth, sucking and fucking the stevedores, to piss off her dad).

    izlamo delenda est …


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