de Blasio Welds Parks Shut in Jewish Neighborhoods; Protects Black Lives Matter Protests – IOTW Report

de Blasio Welds Parks Shut in Jewish Neighborhoods; Protects Black Lives Matter Protests

Breitbart: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio supported mass protests this weekend on behalf of Black Lives Matter and the transgender cause, but the city is welding shut public parks used by the Orthodox Jewish community.

Faithwire and social media users reported Monday that the city was welding shut the gates of public parks in areas of Brooklyn used by the Jewish community in those areas :

Yes. This is actually happening now!

Bill de Blasio is Welding the gates at the biggest park in the Jewish community, (Borough Park, Brooklyn) So your child shouldn’t try to break in. While Hundreds of thousands of people gathered yesterday at Brooklyn Museum.#deBlasioMustGo

It was not clear if parks were shut elsewhere. However, authorities appear to have been singling out parks in Jewish neighborhoods of Brooklyn for enforcement — while large protests have been tolerated in other parts of the same borough. Central Park was full of sunbathers on Sunday, according to the New York Post.

Moreover, tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Brooklyn for demonstrations in support of “black trans” individuals. While many people wore masks, there were few other attempts at “social distancing,” despite coronavirus. more

26 Comments on de Blasio Welds Parks Shut in Jewish Neighborhoods; Protects Black Lives Matter Protests

  1. Can we agree to always add the caveat, “born Warren Wilhelm, Jr.” when mentioning this idiot?

    I think he was on Hogan’s Hero, mein Kommandant! Sieg Heil!!!!

    OK. The last part was made up.

    The first part is true.

  2. I guess Kaiser Wilhelm thought his name was too too Teutonic and harsh sounding, so he joined Benito Mussolini’s fun loving Fascisti Giovani. Young Fascists.

    With any luck, he’ll be strung up like Benito.

  3. Bad_Brad,

    Just some demographic info for you. Of the Jewish world about 80% are secular, meaning they don’t identify to the faith but it makes a great victim card. Think Jerry Seinfeld and yes they vote libtard all day everyday and twice on Saturday if they could.

    Of the 20% that are religious about 17% to 19% vote conservative. Of the ones that are religious that vote Libtard it is because they are old enough to remember FDR and they think they have an obligation to vote for FDR’s party. I don’t get it but there you go. At least that is the 411 as it was explained to me when I worked teaching History in an Yeshiva.

  4. I was thinking about changing my actual name, which is pretty Dutch and awkward, to a totally cool American sounding generic name like

    Brent Stevens. Son. Yes. Stevenson.
    Brent Stevenson. All American boy.

    But I’m 65 now and it would be complicated. Maybe I will just get a hair weave and a Corvette instead.

  5. Yep, get on the box car and you will get to see the world, but then you must get a shower after the trip, talk to a nice Jewish guy there named Soros. Ok, a shower sounds good.

  6. @Bad Brad – 12% of NYC is ethnic Jewish. More or less the same % of blacks in the USA, interesting?

    Some live in Williamsburg, the ones in the article, and then there are the ones, the secular ones, on the Upper and West Sides of Manhattan.

    The thing is? They evacuated NYC during the Plandemic to the Hamptons and other places, and some, not all, are not coming back!

    The liberal Jews will not defend themselves, they run.

    The conservative Jews stand their ground and fight.

    @ Toenex – correct! Very easy to cut chain link fencing, these fascists will be thwarted.

  7. @ Ghost

    You are 100% correct.

    My wife is Jewish and VERY conservative. My Kids 50/50 with Catholic. Like I told the guy putting in my house alarm years ago. I don’t need monitoring, the alarm is to warn the fuckers before we get to them.

    I’m just glad the Jews are on the outside of the fence this time. Even he is not that stupid. Yet!

  8. @Kcir – my three older brothers and sisters are married into 50/50 and decided not to raise their kids with ANYTHING. Hence my understanding and I grew up around and still hang with my ‘jew’ totin’ boys, all secular but ALL MAGA.

  9. Bad_Brad

    You are repeating a bush/Rove liberal lie.
    Many MOT voted don and will do so again.

    Most “Jews” are like, GWB, leftists and vote against conservatives. But not close to all!

  10. @ Ghost

    Same as us. We felt that by exposing the kids to both they would slowly gravitate towards one over the other.
    I don’t get it, but my kids prefer the prayer & reflection of Passover over the materialism of Christmas.
    We have Christmas, Passover, Easter, Chanuka, etc.
    Essentially, Passover is and entire family reading verse after verse of the story of Moses aloud to each other in the home. (our old testament) The theme being Freedom, just like the founding principle of America.
    That can only be good for for the soul.

    God bless.

  11. @Kcir – we say our prayers daily. We have a car prayer and a daily prayer, when we are together as a group…getting on the road together especially, just for a ride for supplies or other ride in the countryside.

    New Testament:
    ‘Jesus Mary and Joseph be with us on Our way, St Christopher protect us.’ – car prayer

    Old Testament:

    ‘Oh my God I offer up to thee, my heart and soul that I known to be, for all I do and all I sake, and IF I die befoe I wake, I pray for you my soul to take. Oh my God I offer up my self and my day.’ – daily prayer

    And YES, Jesus was a Jew.


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