Delingpole: Emasculated UK Police Make Shock Discovery – the Public Prefers Dirty Harry Tactics – IOTW Report

Delingpole: Emasculated UK Police Make Shock Discovery – the Public Prefers Dirty Harry Tactics

Breitbart Europe: Everyone in Britain is loving the police’s latest PR move: ramming criminals as they try to escape on mopeds — then posting the video footage on social media.

Here’s a sample of some of the responses on Twitter:


9 Comments on Delingpole: Emasculated UK Police Make Shock Discovery – the Public Prefers Dirty Harry Tactics

  1. I see their problem right away. When the perp gets up –HIT HIM AGAIN !! Repeat until they see the error of their ways; Or don’t see at all.

    Either one works for me!!

  2. I watched a Baltimore cop purposely
    tag a jackrabbiting and possibly
    armed drug perp with his unmarked
    car on my street. Was lots of drug
    activity and theft going on then. Flipped him like he got hit by a NFL lineman. Black cop then arrested the white drug bunny.
    There was a bit of an investigation
    and was asked what I saw.
    Told them I thought it an “accidental”
    bump. I hate druggies.

  3. Political Correctness had turned the world upside down. All it takes anymore these days is one so-called “victim” to create a spark that ignites a whole “controversy” over something triggering Liberals to spit out all their venomous, meaningless terms like: Racist, Nazi, Homophobe. iSlamophobe, Klansman, White Supremacist, Misogynist, Sexist, Xenophobe, etc, etc. I honestly think they need a fix if they don’t get off on screaming in someone’s face or destroying someone’s life every few days. What this has resulted in is a general level of caution on the part of Law enforcement to back down and handle them with kid gloves. Well folks, handling them with kid gloves hasn’t done a damn thing except embolden them to think they can play smash-mouth with Law Enforcement. They can scream “Police Brutality” any time they don’t get their way. Sadly this has worked for them too many times. I hope we’ve reached the point where that is going to change!

  4. …they call this ramming thing “tactical contact”.

    …if a bullet makes contact with a murderous Muslim, could we not also call THAT “tactical contact”? It’s still stopping someone with a piece of metal, it’s just a bit smaller and a little faster than a car is, but WAY more effective…

    …maybe we just need to find the magic words that give them the good feelz if the were to actually do their JOB with the best and most appropriate tools…


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