Democrat Candidate Cal Cunningham Kicked Out of Family Home – IOTW Report

Democrat Candidate Cal Cunningham Kicked Out of Family Home

North Carolina’s Democrat nominee for U.S. Senate, Cal Cunningham, has moved out of his family’s Raleigh home and is now living with his sister, according to photos of Cunningham taken at his sister’s house obtained by National File.

National File: Rumors that Cunningham was kicked out of his family home have flown since National File’s Patrick Howley broke the news of his affair with the wife of a junior Army officer earlier this month – an affair that violates military rules and has sparked an official U.S. Army investigation as Cunningham serves as a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves.

On October 2, Cunningham admitted to exchanging sexual text messages with Arlene Guzman Todd, a California resident who previously lived in Raleigh. Additionally, Todd has confirmed that she and Cunningham had sex in July of this year.

According to concerned Raleigh residents with knowledge of Cunningham’s whereabouts, he last stayed overnight at the $630,000, 3,200 square foot home he shares with his wife and two children in the city’s Cameron Village on October 10.

Since then, Cunningham has been staying on Raleigh’s Manning Place in a 5,825 square foot, $1.5 million home his sister Catherine purchased with her husband in 2018. more

13 Comments on Democrat Candidate Cal Cunningham Kicked Out of Family Home

  1. This is prolly good news for Cal.
    This is the kind of low life scummy candidate the Democrats will rally to support.
    – They know he’s okay with their corruption.

  2. This is sad news. It must mean that Cal Cunningham really did flunk out of very former Senator John Edwards’ School of Mistress Management. Word around Raleigh is that this dumbass was too busy entertaining his California mistress in the family home to finish reading the final chapters of the “Guide for the Happily Married Man Who Wants A Lot On The Side” before getting caught by his very vengeful sexting “Historically Sexual” side piece. It’s not all bad though. His longtime Raleigh mistress is ready to take him back if he gets elected.


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