Democrat Controlled Minnesota to Give Driver’s Licenses to 77,000 Illegals – IOTW Report

Democrat Controlled Minnesota to Give Driver’s Licenses to 77,000 Illegals


Democrats in Minnesota have advanced a plan to give driver’s licenses to potentially 77,000 eligible illegal aliens.

This week, the Democrat-controlled Minnesota state senate passed a bill in a 34-31 vote that will eliminate the legal residency requirement for obtaining a driver’s license in the state. Instead, illegal aliens would be able to secure licenses to legally drive vehicles. Continues

15 Comments on Democrat Controlled Minnesota to Give Driver’s Licenses to 77,000 Illegals

  1. Why only 77,000? If you don’t need to be a resident of Minnesota then tens of millions are eligible. I’m guessing that’s the true goal.

    In the demcoms America, there is no definition for the word illegal.

  2. Oh goody. Even with required voter id they’d be voting.
    They give them licences here in Maine and they can’t drive. Lines on the road mean nothing to them. They will pull to the side of the road, put the blinkers on and go shopping.
    All kinds of stupid things.

  3. Hate to burst your bubble sports fans, but what I see on the weekends (when I play rent-a-cop) is much scarier (is that a word?). Anyway, contemplate that the MAJORITY of the “truck drivers” coming in are non-English speaking turds that shake their heads pretending to understand your instructions. Have more stories than space permits and the next time you have that eighteen wheeler next to you realize that his employer paid for his CDL and he does not know what he’s doing.

    You might survive the little car accident, but the semi will definitely ruin your day. All across the Fruited Plain, not just Minninoplace.

  4. There will be a rash of crashes of uninsured motorist, DUI’s that the DA never even bother to prosecute and the ruined lives.
    Oh, did I mentioned hit and runs going through the roof?

  5. We used to let them use the washroom in the security center until one of them smeared shit on the walls.
    Don’t want to think about what he did to perhaps wipe his ass.
    Perfectly good/clean toilet seat that they pickup (boot prints on the commode) squat and crap…
    Diversity is what’s good for you.
    Animals that can’t be toilet trained.
    Did I mention I have stories?


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