Democrat Mitt Romney Votes in Favor of Bringing In More Witnesses at Impeachment Trial – IOTW Report

Democrat Mitt Romney Votes in Favor of Bringing In More Witnesses at Impeachment Trial


After making the case for calling witnesses both in front of the cameras and behind the scenes this week, Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney, a frequent Donald Trump critic, made it official Friday. He will vote to allow additional witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial.

The senator’s decision, which became increasingly clear that he would make when he began to openly defend calling witnesses earlier in the week, was confirmed in a statement from his spokeswoman Friday, who specifically cited Romney’s interest in hearing more from former White House national security adviser John Bolton as part of his rationale for breaking with fellow Republicans.

“For those asking: As [Sen. Romney] has said, he wants to hear from Ambassador Bolton, and he will vote in favor of the motion today to consider witnesses,” Romney spokeswoman Liz Johnson tweeted Friday morning.


26 Comments on Democrat Mitt Romney Votes in Favor of Bringing In More Witnesses at Impeachment Trial

  1. This guy who said that Trump is “temperamentally unsuited to be President” now wants to burn it all down because Trump hurt his butt.

    Enjoy the rest of your one and only Senate term, you smarmy prick.

  2. Thankfully, there are a handful of Democrats who may vote against witnesses.

    TO the dirtball & Bad Brad
    Utah will be voting this November to change their State laws to allow such a recall.

  3. In other news, Mittens ‘Pierre elDicko” Romney confirms beyond any doubt that he is more human penis than upright human being.

    (as predictable as a broken clock, or a Steven Colbert ‘comedy’ monologue!)

  4. …I fully expect him to vote for removal, too. The guy can’t even PRETEND to control his hatred any more.

    …just like a Democrat.

    The party switch is next.

    …and what comes AFTER? Let’s ask Arlen Specter, the former Republican who switched parties to give the Democrats Obamacare, just how generous such traitors are when one betrays for them…×200.png

    …traitors are not welcome, even in a PARTY of traitors…no one worries more about theft than a thief, it seems, and yet he’s so blinded by hatred that he doesn’t even realize they will cut HIM too, or doesn’t care as long as he can spew his venom one last time…

    …Romney is like the scorpion in the frog parable. It doesn’t matter if stinging his host results in his own death, evil is just his nature…

  5. Murkowski is saying she is a no on witnesses.

    Apparently Utah has a law where they can recall legislation but no elected officials. However, as someone above said there is a movement now to change that law and be able to recall elected officials and the first one they plan on recalling is Romney.
    What’s funny Mormon fb friends I have can’t stand him and are hoping it’s Mormons leading the charge.

    I get so sick of Republican voters being as ignorant as Democrat voters and voting for these idiots anyway, how the hell could you not know the bastard was a carpetbagger and a pussy?

  6. In 2012, I voted for this guy for the same reason I used the one remaining half square of single-ply commercial grade toilet paper in a poorly stocked public restroom: because it was the only thing I had to guard against getting a handful of pungent residue while cleaning up after a post-Taco Bell gastrointestinal exorcism.

    And the results were similar.

  7. 17 wasn’t enough, hey, Mittens?

    Don’t you find it presumptuous of the Senate to belittle and besmirch the august House – WHO, AS A BODY, VOTED ON THE ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT – and that you should accept them as written? Sort of like saying “You losers didn’t do your job and now we gots ta do it for ya!”

    I cannot conceive a greater Legislative insult.


    izlamo delenda est …


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