Democrats: More is not enough – IOTW Report

Democrats: More is not enough

8 Comments on Democrats: More is not enough

  1. But what about all the colleges and universities who PRICE-GOUGED tuition, fees, housing, etc. because the government (loans) were footing the bill? Notice there aren’t any ads asking you to “give to the college of your choice,” of even from the United N36r0 College Fund anymore?

  2. What an insufferable group of subhuman life forms.

    They wag their fingers in your face, tell you that they are going to steal your money in order to buy votes, and have the audacity to tell you it’s for your own good.

  3. It looks like some of these college grads learned their first life lesson with these college tuition debts. That being; “there is no such thing as a free lunch”.
    The blame here goes on the Democrat party and in particular, Barack Obama. He is the one who passed legislation for “Guaranteed Government Student Loans with NO GPA required”. When this was first proposed the majority of universities were against it. Their protest was that they would have to lower the application standards and dumb down the overall education value of their programs. But then they did the math. They determined it would be a gold mine and it was. Viola, instant increase in admission numbers meant more money in the college bank.
    Unfortunately now we have a bunch of worthless degrees in worthless studies and the recipients can’t find jobs. So, don’t be surprised if the Democrats end up tapping the tax payers to pay for another one of their boondoggles.

  4. A young lady that worked part time at our facility showed up one day in a new BMW 5 series. Later that day I asked her how she could afford such a nice car as a student. She said she used her student loan money to pay for it.

  5. They’re not cancelling jack shit. They’re saving the banks by pawning off bad loans on the US taxpayer, again, just like they did after the housing crash in 2008.

    How the Loan Grift Works:

    1. Democrats order banks to make high risk loans to the shitty democrat base.

    2. The shitty democrat base either can’t or won’t pay off their loans.

    3. The banks lobby both democrats and republicans to bail them out using taxpayer money.

    4. The democrats and republicans call the bank bailout “loan forgiveness” in order to make it sound like they’re not abusing their power to save banks by paying off their bad loans with other people’s money.

  6. Democrats = TAKE MORE THAN GIVING OUT. Biden’s current scheme is nothing more than another bogus lie, one of thousands of compulsive lies he’s issued. Fact is, any supposed ‘canceled’ debt will bite them in their methed-up heads and that of any tuition-paying parents via IRS. Biden the Bum is all about sneaky. pity.

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