Democrats Want Merrick Garland Really, Really, Really Bad – IOTW Report

Democrats Want Merrick Garland Really, Really, Really Bad


I went to the White House petition website earlier this morning to add my name to an ongoing effort when I happened to peruse the current top petitions.  Apparently the left wants Obama to pack the supreme court while they still have a chance to control at least one federal institution next year.

Maybe it would have more impact if they coordinated their efforts (title is a hint).

Count the stupid Here

10 Comments on Democrats Want Merrick Garland Really, Really, Really Bad

  1. And had Hillary won Garland would have been shelved and a new candidate that would make Garland seem like a moderate would be getting nominated on Jan 21st. McConnell was ready to beg to get Garland confirmed after HRC won. Funny how the tables turned.

  2. If only semi-republicans and leftist wannabes like McConnell. faggot Graham, and mentally deficient McCain would disappear, a lot of things would be so intellectually challenged.

    Why don’t they disappear ?

    Why aren’t they made to disappear ?

  3. @ Tony R

    He cannot be recessed appointed because he has already been appointed and such appointment has not been rejected but is still under consideration by the Senate.

    Admittedly, the Senate is not going to vote on the appointment.

    But he’s still appointed and not rejected which means Obama cannot make another appointment of ANYBODY in the meantime for he is still technically under consideration.

  4. Great argument about Obammy not being able to do any SC appointments BeefBalls, but it has a flaw. You assume that obammy will be hindered by the law.In eight years, he hasn’t let the law get in his way, why start now?

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