Dems Call Nunes Memo “An Organized Effort By Republicans To Obstruct” in Their Organized Effort to Refute – IOTW Report

Dems Call Nunes Memo “An Organized Effort By Republicans To Obstruct” in Their Organized Effort to Refute



Zero Hedge

Top House Judiciary Committee Democrat Jerry Nadler (D-NY) has circulated talking points to refute the four-page FISA memo created by GOP staffers for House Intel Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), detailing abuses of US surveillance capabilities against the Trump campaign.

Nadler’s talking points – which are separate from the official response by House Intel Committee Democrats – call the GOP-authored memo “deeply misleading,” according to Bloomberg, and claims that Republicans are now “part and parcel to an organized effort to obstruct” Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.


11 Comments on Dems Call Nunes Memo “An Organized Effort By Republicans To Obstruct” in Their Organized Effort to Refute

  1. This whole Russia thing has been illogical from the beginning. Memo aside, of the two candidates, who do you think Putin could easily roll, bully and get the most concessions from? Vlad would naturally prefer Clinton.
    The other scenario doesn’t even make sense.

  2. These pigs have quite a stable of reprehensible lowlife’s to jump in front of the microphones. Nattering Nadler adds his important perspective that we’ve all awaited hearing.
    The photo indicates he may have brought a family pet along.

  3. If anyone knows about “deeply misleading” stories it would be the Democrats, they’ve been polishing and fine tuning “misleading” tales, yarns and a masterpiece dossier for years.

  4. The reality is:
    The Democrats, the media, and high levels of the DOJ, the FBI, and the IRS are part and parcel to a somewhat organized effort to block the Tea Party Conservatives and our allies from cleaning out the Leftist detritus infesting the top levels of government and media.

  5. [pedantic-provocateur]
    @BFH – The word “refute” primarily means to prove to be in error, to overthrow by argument. Neither of those is true here. There’s certainly no proof, and in place of logical argument there’s whining and shrill screeching.

    So let’s go ahead and trigger the hell out of them:
    What the dems are doing is denigrating the Nunes memo.

  6. What a Schiffhead. This is what happens when you keep screaming “the sky is falling” for months on end. No body will listen to you anymore. If schiffhead had, at any time, a valid point I missed it somehow. He has become as ineffective a spokesperson as Maxine Waters.

  7. Oh, thank goodness! Issuing ‘talking points’ to ensure the leftbots don’t go off script and sound even more demented than they are.

    What would they do without progressive issued talking points? Hell, they might sound less demented and someone might mistake them for trash, because they lose their puppet strings of life.

  8. Gremlin think that she is a star and the fat pig next to Gremlin just don’t stop the bullshit. Gremlin saying that the Russia people are trying to get her. When is the people in California will say enough is enough we had it with this bitch and the rest of the socialist . I don’t now if you guys remember when that bitch can out and say that we going to bankrupt the oil company.

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