Dems File to Remove Greens from the Wisconsin Ballot – IOTW Report

Dems File to Remove Greens from the Wisconsin Ballot

abc news

A Democratic Party staffer has filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Elections Commission saying that the Green Party, which had achieved ballot access in the key battleground state this past year, should not be on the ballot.

In the complaint, Democratic National Committee Deputy Operations Director in Wisconsin David Strange alleges that the Green Party does not have anyone who would be allowed by state law to be a nominator for the Green Party’s presidential electors — meaning they cannot give a valid list of presidential electors, voiding their eligibility on the ticket. More

7 Comments on Dems File to Remove Greens from the Wisconsin Ballot

  1. I was living in Wisconsin when I voted for the first time.

    I was quite shocked that the communist party had a candidate on the ballot.

    The Dem party has gone so far communist now, they don’t even need a candidate.

  2. Neither worthless major party can handle any real competition. That is why they COLLUDE at the state level to pass ballot access laws protecting their duopoly and incumbents.


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