Dems Send Secret Weapon To Pennsylvania – Jane Fonda – IOTW Report

Dems Send Secret Weapon To Pennsylvania – Jane Fonda

Gateway Pundit

Wearing an AFL-CIO t-shirt, actress Jane Fonda went door-to-door in Pennsylvania this weekend in a get out the vote effort on behalf of democrat presidential candidates. More

24 Comments on Dems Send Secret Weapon To Pennsylvania – Jane Fonda

  1. Tribute to the patriotism of Hanoi Jane

    Well Uncle Ho was down cause Nixon had him on the run
    Then Janey came around and sat down at an ack-ack gun
    Oh Fonda you looked so fine
    And we’re hopin’ that you wouldn’t mind
    If you would .. help us Fonda
    Help us get ’em out of the South
    (Mao, Mao, Mao, Mao, Mao, Mao, Mao)

    Help us, Fonda; help, help us Fonda (Mao, Mao, MAO)
    ” ” ”
    ” ” ”
    Help us, Fonda, yeah!
    Get ’em out of the South

  2. WDS
    SEPTEMBER 3, 2019 AT 12:10 PM
    “Damn SNS, I was about to eat lunch….”

    …but Jane Fonda showing off her fallen assets in a damp white jersey would PERFECTLY display how delusional they are, in a way that’s understood SO primally that even Leftards would have a tough time playing “Let’s Pretend”.

    …and it’s worth a lost lunch to not lose an election, in my view, so sorry, but bros before bile, and with Trump 2020 it will at least be possible for you to BUY lunch, and it will ACTUALLY be there to buy, which all Democrats would make impossible…

  3. …PLEASE send “The Squad” out to pound the pavement for Democrats.

    …and ALL the Dem Presidential candidates.

    …and Hillary. Have Hillary talk to EVERYONE.

    …Trump will, indeed, be President for life THEN…

  4. Knock-knock.
    Hello. Who are you?
    I’m Jane Fonda, stumping for democ…
    Hanoi Jane?
    No, Jane Fon…
    Honey! Guess who’s at the door! It’s Hanoi Jane!
    Hanoi who?
    That bitch who fraternized with the enemy vietcong while your brother suffered and died over there.
    Let me at that bitch!
    Never mind….(as she runs across the front yard).

    WTF happened to you since 45 years ago,,
    Was it on ‘Golden Pond’ that brought the change?
    You’ve always demonstrated that Lee Strasbourg edjewmocation you and Peter were freely schooled in.
    Peter played hooky a lot more days than Jane did, thanks to Dennis poorly ‘over acting’ Hopper.


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