Dems The Breaks – IOTW Report

Dems The Breaks


The latest polling from Quinnipiac [DATA HERE] about American opinion of Joe Biden is quite remarkable.  With numbers like this the Democrat communists are positioned for substantial losses in the mid-term election.

  • Biden’s overall approval has dropped to 35% with 57% disapproval.
  • Among young voters aged 18-to-34 the disapproval is 61% (approval 27%).
  • Among Hispanics Biden disapproval is 60% (approval 26%).
  • Among Independent voters disapproval is 62% (approval 30%)


How’s that “demographics is destiny” working out for you, Dems? – Dr. Tar

16 Comments on Dems The Breaks

  1. I’ve distilled my low opinion of polls and their derivative data to this.

    It’s for pundits to generate jaw miles from. It serves no other purpose.

  2. I have a feeling we won’t have a Nov election. The Dems are not going to surrender their new found power that easily. Look for an October surprise like none other. They will do ANYTHING to hang on.

  3. It won’t matter. The Uni-Party will still control everything and will keep spending money we don’t have on things that will make them richer and us poorer.

  4. “I have a feeling we won’t have a Nov election. The Dems are not going to surrender their new found power that easily. Look for an October surprise like none other. They will do ANYTHING to hang on.”

    Dems monkeying the election in November – “A pox on you”

  5. “Nah.

    They’ll do fine.

    I already know who “wins”

    Hint: NOT YOU!


    Forget to put “Dominion” as your faux name?

    Exact syntax and attitude.


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