Denver Poised to Be First U.S. City to Decriminalize Magic Mushrooms – IOTW Report

Denver Poised to Be First U.S. City to Decriminalize Magic Mushrooms



A measure to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms in Denver has eked out a narrow lead in the final unofficial results from Tuesday’s municipal election, officials reported Wednesday.

The Denver Elections Division’s count — which is not yet certified and does not include all the overseas and military ballots — showed Initiative 301 leading with 50.56% of the vote, a margin of about 1,979.

The unofficial vote total is a stunning turnaround.

By early Tuesday night, the referendum was trailing by 9 points. Then by Wednesday morning, it was behind by 3 points.

If the lead stands when the official vote is certified May 16, Denver would become the first city in the nation to decriminalize so-called magic mushrooms.

The measure does not make them legal, but requires that law enforcement and prosecutors make possession of psilocybin their lowest priority.


ht/ billy fuster

21 Comments on Denver Poised to Be First U.S. City to Decriminalize Magic Mushrooms

  1. What could possibly go wrong. As if there aren’t enough violent homeless people leaving dirty needles and poop everywhere let’s increase the availability of a drug known to cause violence. Live in Denver at your own risk. Had they not shot down the ‘right to survival’ Aka lifting camping ban by 80+% that too would be suddenly passing to become law. They always find votes when it is close. And close now is 3-5% on election night.

  2. Everything should be decriminalized. Everything.
    However, responsibility for one’s actions must be acknowledged. No driving impaired, doesn’t matter what. Parents are still responsible for their childrens’ welfare. Freedom + responsibility is what made this nation great.
    The other major issue though is that the governments are looking to make money off of taxing the substances. Which means they will promote drug-taking. I vehemently oppose any government profiting off of drugs. Or for that matter alcohol, tobacco – which have already shown governments’ true colors.

  3. They are mind bending POWERFUL!
    Plentiful in coastal South Carolina
    in the 70’s.Nothing but non-stop
    hallucinations with intense colors.
    Nothing you see or hear is real.
    Grew right out of the cow paddy after
    a heavy rain on the Stono river near Charleston.
    I quit after a bad trip with extreme paranoia.
    Trust me=they ain’t for light weights.

  4. Gonna suck out LOUD though… first time someone on shrooms (or dope or booze or any OTHER mind-altering substance!) t-bones me after running a stop sign / red light, because they were “trippin’,” INSTEAD of “DRIVING.”

    IF I survive, 230gr. Remington Golden Sabre JHP’s, are gonna SERIOUSLY harsh their buzz… 😡

  5. I predict a variety of medical problems arising, I hope the included increased funding for emergency rooms in the measure.

    Maybe more mental health funding as well.

  6. In the Northwest during 1970s there was a dairy not too far from where I worked. It was a place of destination for every hippie in the county. Seems that the cow pastures were fertile ground for magic mushrooms.

    I’m going to be in Grand Junction CO for the weekend. The city park there is already filled with indigents. I expect it will get worse.

  7. Ponderings from an onion grove sitting under an olive tree while sipping the red sauce

    The humanity. . . FALSE
    What about the children. . . FALSE
    Pasteurized range wars. . . FALSE
    It’s the end of the world. . . FALSE
    We’re all gonna die. . . TRUE

    Psilocybin (sy-lee-SY-bin) is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound produced by more than 200 species collectively known as psilocybin mushrooms. The most potent are members of the genus Psilocybe, P. azurescens, P. semilanceata, and P. cyanescens generas. ə ə ə

    1 O’CLOCK and All is Well
    12 O’CLOCK and All is Well
    11 O’CLOCK and All is Well
    10 O’CLOCK and All is Well
    9 O’CLOCK and All is Well
    8 O’CLOCK and All is Well

  8. Psylocybin and young idiots don’t mix, believe me. I scared myself to death doing it once back in the mid 70’s and listening to Jefferson Starship’s album Blows Against The Empire with headphones didn’t help either, I thought that I was demonically possessed. This will not end well, you don’t mess with any kind of hallucinogenic drugs ever. Whatever they’re on in Denver is no good, now they can call it The Mile High City while listening to The Byrds singing Eight Miles High or any other psychodelic music from the 60’s and 70’s.

  9. I would not be so opposed to legalized drugs IF we could eliminate government health care in all its forms, and as long as health insurance is null and void for anyone using. Then, go ahead and knock yourself out! OD? Tough shit!

  10. Tony R,
    Are you convincing me?
    You see cyan as blue?
    Legalization schemes?
    It grows in dirt, man.
    It’s not being introduced
    It was here from way way way back when
    It was designed that way

    It’s the man-made designs you really want, isn’t it.
    The ones that state they might kill you as a side effect and have been pharmaceutically gauranteed to kill you if you stop suddenly paying them.

    You mean those schemes?

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