Despicable: SNL Mocks the People Who Have Been Standing Up For Their Children at School Board Meetings – IOTW Report

Despicable: SNL Mocks the People Who Have Been Standing Up For Their Children at School Board Meetings

21 Comments on Despicable: SNL Mocks the People Who Have Been Standing Up For Their Children at School Board Meetings

  1. Script written by the Deep State and delivered by the media to circle the wagons around those who use public education to advance their political agenda.

    We all knew it was coming.

  2. …………………./´¯/)
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    Kiss My Ass too! 😙

  3. @ ericthetuba SNL hasn’t been funny for years.

    you are wrong SNL has not been funny in decades @ least three to be more precise A lot of readers maybe even a majority of the readers on this site weren’t even born the last time SNL was funny or relevant.
    I honestly don’t understand why NBC even bothers to keep it alive , other then nostalgia, and the fact that conservative sites like this like this one and others occasional get tweeked by dumb unfunny skits they produce.
    SNL is the television equivalent of an annoying internet troll, if we ignore it long enough it will just disappear.

  4. @BFH not to worry, a hard rain is gonna fail on these mother fuckers.

    Just like in 2016.

    Wait til the next time. And there will be a next time.

    It will be glorious.

  5. I didn’t even watch the clip above. SNL lost me a long time ago. For decades i loved the show. Happy memories of what comedy and talent looked like in the past. Dead to me now…

  6. The amateurs who regard themselves as ‘actors’, as portrayed on SNL, rather than as verified vaudevillian clowns are typical of the pedophile, child abuser, and animal abuser who mocks others who don’t exercise cruelty and abuse.

  7. They reveal their greatest fears in what they choose to vilify and persecute. (Their whole ideological agenda does down the toilet if they lose control over children and “education”.)

  8. I had returned from my last Vietnam deployment less than 4 years before the show began…it took me about 12 seconds of watching these no-talent, America hating bums to know I’d never watch again.


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