Detroit Used Defective Ballot Boxes In 2020 – IOTW Report

Detroit Used Defective Ballot Boxes In 2020

100%FEDUP: Detroit Used Defective Ballot Boxes In 2020 Election Despite Warning Stickers: “Not approved for use as a ballot container”…”You could shove papers right through the back of them”

By now, most of America knows that when it comes to voting, Detroit is one of the most corrupt cities in America.

Thugs, which included paid election workers and scores of outside agitators at the TCF Center in Detroit, were used to distract, threaten, bully and intimidate GOP and Independent poll workers. At the same time, in the wee hours of the morning, boxes of ballots were delivered in an unmarked van filled with ballots that appeared in a back hallway of the largest absentee ballot counting center in Michigan. MORE

9 Comments on Detroit Used Defective Ballot Boxes In 2020

  1. Every week (if not every day) we see more ways and places that voter fraud occured, yet people like Chris Wallace are tired of hearing the “election fraud crap pedalling”!!
    It’s been 363 days since the election and I’d bet good money that there have been more than 363 stories about election fraud incidents reported!
    Like unexploded ordinance from WWII we’re gonna be hearing about this massive level of fraud for decades to come!

    But ya know… it’s just “crap” right?
    Hey Chis! Stop peeing on our heads and telling us it’s just raining!!

  2. Not just voting – Detroit’s a Toilet – a Septic Tank – a Cesspool.
    Which, of course, flows into DC.
    I pity the poor savages who live there – where life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
    (stolen from Hobbes)

    izlamo delenda est …

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