DHS Asks Public For Help With Border Wall – IOTW Report

DHS Asks Public For Help With Border Wall


The Department of Homeland Security is seeking your help to build the wall.

In a post published Thursday on the Federal Business Opportunities website, DHS solicits ideas for a “comprehensive long-term strategy related to the border wall.” DHS has already ordered construction of the wall on southern border and has announced they will post a bid next week for the design and build of prototype wall structures. That notice, however, focuses on the near-term wall construction efforts.

“There are many other considerations for completion of the border wall. DHS recognizes that industry, other agencies, and other private entities may have interesting and useful ideas about how we could proceed. We would like to invite submissions of any such ideas so we can consider them as we develop a complete and comprehensive long-term strategy,” the request for information says. “This strategy will need to accommodate the entire southwest border, which has a quite diverse range of terrain, foliage, population, wildlife, and other features.”


22 Comments on DHS Asks Public For Help With Border Wall

  1. Chain link fence 10 ft tall with a monorail on top. The monorail is for high speed machine gun sled. Come within 100 yards and you are on your own against a wall of bullets.

  2. Whatever you do, make the wall president proof.
    We could probably protect the border pretty well already with drone surveillance, heat sensors and other tools. But we had a president that told Border Patrol to stand down.
    The wall needs to be made president proof in case another open border asshole gets elected.

  3. if an electric fence kills anyone there will be a lot of liberal tears. It has to go far below ground as well.
    I say claim the whole of Mexico and put an easy border up at Guatemala with an electric fence where life is cheap.

  4. Behind the wall, we’ll need ground-penetrating radar units and drilling teams with nerve gas – for the inevitable tunnels.

    I’m mostly serious about the nerve gas.

    It might also be funny to emplace anti-personnel charges in the ground along the Mexico-facing underground portion of foundation.

  5. Precast concrete construction just like the barrier walls used along freeways (only taller) with silent alarms buried underground along its length. Watch towers every 2000 yds. Armed border patrol with clear orders to shoot intruders. It would seem obvious that after going to all the trouble of putting in a wall, watchtowers and patrol that anyone coming across isn’t doing it accidentally. If an intruder thought they were probably going to get shot it would eliminate crossers doing it for the fun of seeing if they could defeat the border.

  6. I agree w/ Tony,
    Use the Israeli design of concrete panels, set on a 20 foot deep, sensor rich foundation (to detect tunnels)
    In the areas where no wall can be built, put a bounty on people sneaking across, and sell Tags, but instead of shooting them, we dart them like bears.
    They wake up 40 miles south of the border.
    Painted generously with a biometric dye that takes months to wash off, marking them against frequent attempts to cross.
    In the cartel infested areas, I posit the use of two walls, a quarter mile apart. This is where the gunships get to practice

  7. Hypersonic, beat-frequency audio targeting, guided by visible and IR motion detectors. No one else would hear it except the intruder. The pain in his head would drive him back. No worse than water boarding and not a violation of human rights. The induced sound is simply a warning. Simple chain link fence with warning signs in Spanish and English. Climb the fence the pain will disable you completely including removing your dumb ass from the planet.

  8. These lefty snow flakes that claim the wall won’t work, don’t know their history.
    China build a wall a long time ago and to this day they don’t have an problem with illegal Mexicans or any other illegal immigrants got that matter.

  9. Go big. Use eminent domain to secure a 15 mile wide path from San Diego to Brownsville Texas. Post signs every 50 feet on both sides of this strip of land that the military actively uses this for weapons testing, including land mines, artillery fire, IED tests, unexploded ordinance disposal, bombing and strafing, tank fire drills, snipers, machine gun ranges, and chemical weapons disposal. Then actually use it for those purposes. If they make it across in one piece, then they get deported once caught via catapult or circus cannon at the nearest border, so if it’s the ocean, too bad.

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