Did You Know It’s ‘Older Americans’ Month? – IOTW Report

Did You Know It’s ‘Older Americans’ Month?

AMAC: It’s Older Americans Month – a Time to Reflect on the Knowledge and Values Seniors Can Pass on to Children and Grandchildren.

WASHINGTON, DC – America’s senior citizens are growing older by the day but they have never felt so young as they do these days, says advocate for the elderly, Dan Weber. Dan is president of the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] and points out that seniors are living longer and in better physical and mental condition than ever before.

“Men and women who turn 65 these days can expect to live well into their 80s and, according to the statistics, 40 year olds are increasingly likely to live to 100 or more.  Meanwhile, modern medicine is making strides as researchers seek treatments and even cures for the most devastating illnesses that still plague humans, including cancer and dementia.”

Caught in early stages of development, cancers such as Prostate, Testicular and even breast cancers can be put into remission.  Meanwhile, medical researchers are reporting progress in their search for pathways to effective treatments for dealing with diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

The country celebrates Older Americans Month in May and Weber called on AMAC’s membership, the over 50 crowd, to reflect on the “positive side” of growing old in the 21st Century.  more

31 Comments on Did You Know It’s ‘Older Americans’ Month?

  1. @Doc – I hear ya!

    Why do we need a “month” to remind people of common sense?

    What I learned from my grandparents and parents (good and bad) throughout my life has made me a better parent and grandparent.

    It’s called being a family and there is no organization that should be involved.


  2. @jpm

    I don’t trust any organization that wants “seniors” to join for whatever benefits they may provide. After all, they are in business to make money and they’re not getting ours.

  3. @MJA, you made me curious. Wiki says Stormy Daniels claims to be 39 (for how many years now?). Born Baton Rouge, 1979.
    She also claims to be a high school graduate. Scotlandville Magnet High. Aren’t “magnet” schools for the troubled problem kids?
    Married 3 times so far.
    In between CNN appearances she is pole dancing on her –wait for it–“Make America Horny Again Tour”.
    There must be 10,000 Porn actresses, most uploading from home. They can’t all be “stars”. Something tells me Stormy was a C-or D-lister.
    Wiki says she was a Penthouse Pet, but at 39 now that must have been a loooooong time ago.

  4. Older people (which I am one) collect social security, medicare, as well as other government handouts that are available to them with the excuse “I paid into it, therefore I should benefit.” News for you, old people, there is no “fund” toward which your money went. You’ve been bamboozled by liars your whole damn life and now you want to benefit? Talk about socialists – – old people are your original socialists. By the way, I don’t take a dime from the fed and have positioned myself to pay my own way. If I get to the point where I have to enslave others to pay my way then I will happily off myself.

  5. Two old people flirt at a seniors’ singles bar. After a few drinks, the old man asks the old woman, “If I took you out for a full night of wining, dining and dancing, what would you wear?”

    The old woman replies shyly, “Depends… .”

    “Depends on what?” he asks.

    “On my bottom — where else?!”

  6. A little old lady wanted to join a biker club. She knocked on the door of a local biker club and a big, hairy, bearded biker with tattoos all over his arms answers the door. She proclaims “I want to join your biker club.”
    The guy was amused and told her that she needed to meet certain biker requirements before she was allowed to join. So the biker asks her “You have a bike?”
    The little old lady says “Yea, that’s my Harley over there” and points to a Harley parked in the driveway.
    The biker asks her “Do you smoke?”
    The little old lady says “Yea, I smoke. I smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day and a couple of cigars while I’m shooting pool.”
    The biker is impressed and asks “Well, have you ever been picked up by the Fuzz?”
    The little old lady says “No, never been picked up by the fuzz, but I’ve been swung around by my boobs a few times.”

  7. No one, no where, at any time thought I’d live this long….including me…. and all I get is this lousy month?
    Can someone please explain why I keep sitting on my balls?

  8. “…Knowledge and Values Seniors Can Pass on to Children and Grandchildren.”
    Fuck ’em – little bastards don’t listen anyway.
    And get the hell off my lawn!

  9. I go for the senior discounts, retired military discounts, etc. 10% here and there doesn’t hurt. I refuse to join AARP.
    Still running/walking some 2500 miles a year according to Fitbit. Run around a 30 minute 5K.
    Shooting for 100.

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