Did you know men could have babies? – IOTW Report

Did you know men could have babies?

Yes, it’s true. I know because douchewaffle progressive journalist reported it as such.


A Southeast Portland transgendered man and his husband are celebrating the arrival of their new child. Trystan Reese gave birth to Leo two weeks ago.

Trystan carried him for nine months after experiencing a miscarriage the last time he tried getting pregnant.

They thought they missed their chance, but now believe everything happened for a reason.

“I would say it’s unique,” Trystan said. “I understand that people are not used to two men having a biological child between the two of them. So we know its unique.”

“The moment he was born was just like a pure moment of bliss, like the happiest moment of my life,” Trystan’s husband, Biff Chaplow, said. “To see the very beginning of Leo, of his life, was just like amazing.”

Trystan says things have definitely changed. He used to be a pregnant man, now he’s just a regular dad.

Trystan was born female. He started taking hormones almost a decade ago, but stopped when he got pregnant.

The couple says their families and friends are in complete support of their decision, but they’ve experienced some negative comments from strangers online.

ht/ joe 6 pak

27 Comments on Did you know men could have babies?

  1. I can’t imagine what thoughts are in the minds of children less than 10 y.o. when they hear this madness. Hell, I had never heard of transvestites until I was 20 y.o. and I heard it discussed on some tv show while setting in the waiting room at the navy recruiters office in Pittsburgh.

  2. How can you be a gay couple if one of you has a vagina and the other has a dick. That is a heterosexual couple who like playing dress up.
    I’m with Brad, to old.

  3. It’s normal. It’s how things roll in the Pacific NW.
    I know of three people, not close friends but friends of friends, who have kids around 12 years old who have decided they are trans. Two are boys becoming girls and the other is a girl becoming a boy. It’s accepted and celebrated by our friends who see it as-I dunno-normal and an every day thing.

    I’m not a parent. Unable to be for health reasons. I find this pregnant Dad story maddening, frustrating and mind boggling. I’m with you guys. I’m too old too for this nonsense.

  4. What people won’t do for YT hits. Prediction: Woman will tire of being a “man” and so-called monogamous “gay” relationship/marriage will meet its statistical demise. Or one or the other (or both) of them will realize that the YT hits are falling off rapidly and the novelty of parenting is, too. The man will split for a younger “wife.”

    Thousands of years of limbic brain development will not be mocked.

  5. Seems to me some one who was “identifying” as a man was having a whole bunch of female urges. That biological clock is strong in most woman. My guess is she dropped off the hormones a bit to experience the joy of a child growing within you and motherhood. Something a man can never come close to experiencing. And what’s the big deal my Italian grandma had a beard too. Doesn’t make you a guy, but if she shaves it off like grandma did people in the grocery store would just assume she was female and we can’t have that.

  6. Wow, the newborn is a he? Really?
    Has that child had the opportunity to decide his/her gender identity?
    Why must this child be subject to such parental oppression?
    The real question is why must this innocent child be subject to child abuse on the most basic level while the world watches and gets misty-eyed over Mr Mom?

  7. “We opted for an aquatic delivery” the little treasure came into the world surrounded by the gentle embrace of water. When he bobbed up it was love at first sight. He was small, dark brown with no arms or legs, and smelled really bad. We swaddled him in tissue, the beaming mother cradled him so that close family could take pictures of the magic moment. We are so happy we chose not to flush him.

  8. The science is unsettling.

    Liberals enjoy making appeals to science so much, how about violating the laws of Nature. Once you start down this path, it demands that people be able to genetically alter the “gay gene” if they don’t want one.

    Unless liberals then demand that a woman can choose to kill her baby but not decide if it’s straight. Which is where all this eventually goes.

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