Disgusting Leftist Goon Threatens the Lives of Conservative Teenagers – IOTW Report

Disgusting Leftist Goon Threatens the Lives of Conservative Teenagers


Thanks, Twitter, you finally suspended somebody for the right reason!

Full disclosure: we’d seen this tweet when it appeared, but when Dana Loesch retweeted it, the guy thanked her for the “signal boost” and really seemed to be getting off on the attention, so we didn’t feel like giving him any more. But now that he’s been suspended, let’s go for it.

As Twitchy has been reporting, this week marked Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit, with speakers including Ambassador Nikki Haley and Sen. Orrin Hatch.

This clown said he was going to the summit to “greet” the nice conservative high schoolers with his barbed wire-covered baseball bat. Here’s a screenshot:


20 Comments on Disgusting Leftist Goon Threatens the Lives of Conservative Teenagers

  1. This is the left, folks. I would argue that, even if you can’t legally carry, this is why you do so anyway.

    They are insane, and the DNC “leadership” loves them.

    The good fight is coming.

  2. If that thug, with that bat, and his looks, came within five feet of me I’d shoot him dead if I was armed.
    I think I’m going to start carrying a sling-shot with 1/2 inch ball bearings.

  3. joe6pak

    Are you fucking kidding me? That’s some sick shit. These people need to be killed. There’s no other way to say it. Who do they think they re screwing with? This is a lose lose for them. Why would they push this hard?

  4. I’ll tell you what Brad, there is a whole bunch of us that are tired of waiting for these fringe elements to be shamed and shut down. It doesn’t look like it’s going to happen without the action of citizens taking action. Not a good sign.

  5. This is the type of freak that you maintain a constant vigilance on. ALWAYS be prepared to take this phucker to the ground…..regardless of what it takes.

    This guy is a poster child for liberal goons.

  6. I’m bettin where ever he resides, it’s illegal to possess a Louisville slugger with a full-semiauto assault barbwire attachment.
    Nobody needs one of those to hunt deer.

  7. That poster is disgusting, however this has been coming for awhile and they’ve been pushing it in the background for awhile.

    A very smart man told me 30 something years ago the queer shit needed to be fought with a vengeance. Heck, at the time I didn’t know queer shit was being pushed. He predicted if we didn’t fight it, queers would be normalized and if you didn’t agree you were abnormal and it wouldn’t stop and before you knew it queers would be getting married and then after that who knew how far the perversion would go. I told him he was nuts, nobody was ever going to say the same sex could be married, what the hell would you even call them, husband and husband, wife and wife?

    Well it came true and now we have people who can’t look between their legs and know what sex they are and they’ve already just about gotten that “normal” so the next logical step for them is to normalize sex with children.

  8. This guy has only dreamed about being violent. His bravery is wrapped around his bat. It is only show.
    Like Louis L’amour says: “It’s one thing to shoot a man, it’s another thing entirely when that man is shooting back at you”

  9. @Fritz the Cat July 28, 2018 at 11:40 pm

    Regardless of the goon with the bat, If civil war comes, it will be in essence a woman vs man fight. Liberal females seem to be the majority, or at least the loudest voices, of anti-Trump and anti-conservative hysteria. The heart of conservatism is middle-aged men.

    Liberals have the degenerates and transsexuals. Conservatives have church-goers.

    But the essence of the left is helplessness, those who constantly need government support and love socialism. The essence of conservatism are those who believe in self-sufficiency and freedom.


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