DNC Goes Looking For Money In Mexico – IOTW Report

DNC Goes Looking For Money In Mexico

Daily Caller

Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez will hold three fundraisers for American ex-patriots in Mexico, as Democrats struggle to keep pace with Republicans in fundraising.

Perez will host three events in Mexico City on Sept. 28, Bloomberg reported. One event is a happy hour that will cost $25 to attend. Perez will also host a dinner where tickets are going for between $1,000 and $15,000.  More

I wonder what he’ll promise to do for them? -Dr. Tar

15 Comments on DNC Goes Looking For Money In Mexico

  1. I read that this is only for US citizens living in Mexico. In order to donate, they ***now listen to this*** MUST PROVE THEY ARE CITIZENS OF THE US!

    What the!?!?! Are they going to disenfranchise these donors by asking them for ID??? How DARE they?!

  2. I call BS. Perez is an enemy of America
    and a commie rat.Lock his ass up when the
    plane touches down here…I would sure like to
    see a hi-rez pix and bio on all the mexxies that
    show up to this “fund” raiser.Bet it would be
    very interesting.

  3. From the article:
    “The DNC will require attendees to provide information showing that they are American citizens or permanent residents”. . . Because they are Racists!

    “About 1.5 American citizens live in Mexico”.

    1 and a half American citizens live in Mexico?

    Uh, ok – not sure how that works or how much money can be raised from 1.5 American citizens, but then again I already knew lefties are bad at math.

  4. mansfield lovell AUGUST 21, 2019 AT 1:34 PM
    “I like that pic! I’m going to go to Party City and see if they have a donkey pinata for sale.”

    …and just what do you think would fall out of a Democrat Donkey piñata, and would you be willing to put it in your mouth?

    …although the actual BEATING part would be enjoyable, I suspect the cleanup would be horrific and likely require hazardous waste AND bloodborne pathogen protocols be initiated…


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