Do You Cold Plunge? – IOTW Report

Do You Cold Plunge?

I can’t feel my feet“.

If you aren’t currently submerging yourself in 39 degree freezing water, then you must watch this video to learn everything you need to know about the hottest biohacking trend around right now!

SNIP: Yeah, it’s a long-winded commercial, basically. But it’s JP and it’s pretty funny.
AND… [whispers super-loud like Joe Biden] For the ladies out there, TOPLESS MEN! No Joke!

16 Comments on Do You Cold Plunge?

  1. I made it this far in life wi6th taking “The Plunge.” If I were given one, I’d probably use it as a raised bed for veggies. I’m more practical about life.

  2. I made it this far in life without taking “The Plunge.” If I were given one, I’d probably use it as a raised bed for veggies. I’m more practical about life.

    This is what I meant to say….I wish we had the idiot button back.

  3. I’ve read that plunging in cold water creates hormesis, which is a kind of good stress on the body, enabling one to live a long healthy life. I’ve only gotten the point of slightly turning up the cold water at the end of a shower.

  4. I have been doing cold plunges recently in Boulder Creek, but am not as motivated to continue now that there isn’t ice so the water is above freezing. I really enjoy doing it – although it is followed by a short drive home (with the seat heaters on) and a half-hour in a hot bath. Last time I stayed submerged (except head and hands) for 7 minutes.
    I’ll make up for it by taking cold showers. And I do the Wim Hof breathing nearly every morning, a very healthy practice.
    I can’t see spending thousands of dollars on a dedicated bathtub and a place to put it though.

  5. The geese do it – which is enough to convince me that it’s not fit for humans.
    They drink water that they’ve shit in – which I’m not gonna try, either.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Geese feathers have natural insulation which protects them from the cold. Tim and always remember the old warning about drinking upstream from where the cattle and other wildlife go. But I don’t think that applies to geese since they leave their greasy shit everywhere. My brother loves to tell the story about my dad and his older brother who when they were kids back in the 30’s or early 40’s laid down a long line of string in front of a bunch of their barnyard geese and the first goose would come along and eat the string and shit it out and the next goose would do it as well and so on until there was a long line of geese all strung together waddling and honking around the barnyard. My grandfather was not amused.

  7. geoff the aardvark,
    Yes, goose down is a fine insulator.
    But there’s none on their feet and beaks.
    When I break the ice on their pool they plunge right in, dunking their heads.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. The one and only time I have ever cold plunged was on a freezing January night in an outdoor hotel pool after a night of excessive drinking. My brother-in-law and I in our drunken state of mind thought it would be a good idea to dive in the pool and swim the length. It wasn’t.

  9. All of his adult life, Thomas Jefferson soaked his feet in a pan of ice water immediately after getting out of bed in the morning. Where’d he get ice in the summer? From the deep underground ice bunker next to his mansion. Ice would be harvested during the winter from a frozen lake and the blocks were brought to the large, deep, stone lined, underground bunker and insulated with hay. He often served ice cream to his guests all year long. Also, he slept sitting up because he thought it to be much healther. Visiting his home, Monticello, was one of the most awesome experiences I’ve ever had.


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