Do you see a resemblance? – IOTW Report

Do you see a resemblance?

viaย Kellyanne Conway, Counselor To The President.



Barron Trump, Elizabeth Trump



h/t Snowball the Sourpuss, Dr. John

22 Comments on Do you see a resemblance?

  1. An early “feminist” who stepped up when necessary and worked hard and helped build an empire. She has nothing in common to today’s feminists and would never be acknowledged by them, nor would she care to be.

  2. Makes me grateful for the grit and determination passed down in my family — nothing but a bunch a poor ol’ Irish dirt farmers. They did not pass on a dynasty of wealth, but they did survive the famine, and here I am!

  3. @Vietvet March 14, 2017 at 7:58 am

    And demonic intent. Don’t forget the demonic intent. And the hatred of brown people. And the homophobia. And the Putin lust (which is more disturbing in her, than him). It’s all right there. It’s so obvious, it’s science.

  4. A handsome woman, not “pretty” but certainly handsome. I was killing time at the airport sketching Marilyn when an older fellow started hanging over my shoulder. Turns out he was a plastic surgeon on the verge of retirement. We talked about drawing and sculpting (his hobby) when he pointed out that many women regarded as iconic beauties have square, almost masculine bone structure like MM.

    Beauty may only be skin deep but handsome is to the bone (structure).

  5. Back when strong women were just that, strong women.
    Not mannish wannabe’s
    She’s beautiful, and could probably kick your ass
    Baron is being raised by another strong women.
    He will do nicely when he comes of age.

  6. What I find so remarkable is how sturdy the Trump genes are. With Melania’s strong, distinctive features, young Barron still looks like his father’s family — all of them! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. …it’s that Teutonic heritage. We Norwegians have it, too. So funny that everyone thinks Asians from their various countries all look alike. Same thing for Caucasians. But there are noticeable differences among European, American and Eurasian people with white skin. I was very surprised by this when I first went to Holland. It was an hilarious, slow realization why many of the natives were surprised when they discovered I didn’t speak Dutch. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. You can’t judge her looks based on one static picture. Some attractive people take lousy pictures while others know how to pose. Models have thousands of pictures taken before just the “right ” one is chosen. Picture this woman alive and laughing. Definitely a beautiful woman.

  9. It is remarkable how the features remain throughout generations. Very interesting picture comparison you can truly see the resemblance. Kind of how Chelsea and Webb share a resemblance. Truly amazing!

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