Dodgers fly LGBT flag same height as American flag – IOTW Report

Dodgers fly LGBT flag same height as American flag

24 Comments on Dodgers fly LGBT flag same height as American flag

  1. Hey……… this is Los Angeles after all. The electorate is so ignorant that they don’t know any better. If they flew a Kotex next to the American flag, half the people wouldn’t notice!!

  2. Since the flagpoles there are all the same height and normally fly all American flags it likely would have been more difficult to have them at a lower height. Nevertheless it should not have been that way.
    US Flag Code is not legally binding, as I often point out to new scouts in my troop. However, as a matter of respect for the symbol of our nation we should observe it, and for someone not to can certainly be considered disrespectful to our nation.

  3. When I was a child, in the 50’s, the Brooklyn Dodgers were my favorite team, damn the Yankees. Los Angeles certainly have tainted that team. I guess I should be glad I’m not the sports fan now as I was in the 50’s.

  4. Baseball is about as alien to the sensibility of your average homosexual as you can get. Accd to Baseball Reference there have been 19,538 players in MLB history and not ONE has ever come out as gay, as far as I know.

    Meanwhile, how many times have faggots sneered at baseball for being so conservative and slow paced and boring. I mean, how many millions of times. So who is this flag for?

    This situation needs to be watched closely. They cant be allowed to do their usual infiltration bullshit with baseball

  5. Sports is succumbing to the gay faggotry evil that is engulfing the world. As recently as a couple of years ago, I would have said no way are the major sports going to go queer on us. But they have.

    Only a few things remains untainted and sacred: God, Jesus, and the Bible.

  6. @callmelanie

    A former Dodger player came out as a queer. He’s the one that popularized the Hi-Five thing. It probably had some secret fag meaning that no one has ever discovered.


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