Dog Fighting Mad – IOTW Report

Dog Fighting Mad

Lt. Cmdr Timothy White is having charges brought against him for “illegally discharging a firearm on federal property.”

So why did the Lt. Cmdr fire his weapon? It was in self defense against the Chattanooga shooter, Mohammod Abdulazeez.

The news has Allen West “dog fighting mad.”


How this service man is not receiving accommodations for valor in the face of the enemy simple defies explanation. Unfreaking believable.

Has Obama given the military a lobotomy?


7 Comments on Dog Fighting Mad

  1. I took my American flag off the house when 0bammy was elected.
    A couple years ago, I took the Navy Veteran stickers off my truck.
    Now I guess I am too ashamed to tell anyone I even served.

    Those are total chickenshit charge.

  2. It’s funny how they want to follow this inane and unnecessary law to the letter in this case against a soldier righteously defending himself and others, yet Hillary, Obama, Kerry, et al are constantly allowed to thumb their nose at mere laws with impunity for things that actually are very serious and immoral crimes against the constitution and the people.

    The law against discharging a firearm should be dissolved immediately and replaced by one that requires discharging firearms on federal property when in the presence of leftist politicians which by my definition are terrorists as well.

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