DOJ Not Serious About Investigating Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

DOJ Not Serious About Investigating Hunter Biden


The Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office investigating Hunter Biden lacks the wherewithal and resources to adequately probe the dubious financial dealings of the Biden family and their business partners, according to three current or former Department of Justice officials.

“If any single one of the dozens of issues had been alleged about the Bush or Trump families, a special counsel would have been appointed immediately,” said one career official familiar with the probe. “[The Delaware office] needs help. There’s no way it can tackle everything it needs to, even if it tried.” Two other officials also expressed concern about resources available to the investigation, particularly given the political sensitivity and complexity of the underlying issues. More

8 Comments on DOJ Not Serious About Investigating Hunter Biden

  1. They seriously want to collect all the evidence and interview all the witnesses.

    …so the evidence can be destroyed.

    And the witnesses, “suicide”.

    It’s the Democrat way.

  2. Oh come on now. You don’t trust the DOJ and the sainted Merrick Garland? Didn’t you see what he told Lester “The Forehead” Holt?

    ““Look, we pursue justice without fear or favor,” Merrick Garland told NBC’s Lester Holt in an interview..”

  3. UNIPARTY has protected is own for 60 years. AND DONE IT WELL!
    Exhibit #1 GWB’s lois Lerner. It has been 16 years since she committed many felonies- broke several laws – dealing with conservative PACs. It has been 13 years since her law breaking was made public. She has never been arrested!
    UNIPARTY does a good job of protecting liberals.

    The day after Lerner moves in to the “Grey Bar Hotel” Hunter will be arrested! Not before!


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