Don Lemon Quickly Ushers Guest Off Show When He is Schooled On Reparations – IOTW Report

Don Lemon Quickly Ushers Guest Off Show When He is Schooled On Reparations

16 Comments on Don Lemon Quickly Ushers Guest Off Show When He is Schooled On Reparations

  1. this is for all those african-(insert country)
    FINALLY!!! state run media et al. will only talk about one side of the slavery story and never mention the “business end”


  2. My Scottish ancestors were slaves of the English. I want reparations. Plus, that was long before slavery in America so we get to jump to the front of the entitlement line.

  3. LOL! Black Lives Don’t Matter to Black Slave Exporters of Black Lives. Lemon Limp Wrist got served. The guest was awesome.

    Lemon Limpett’s deer in headlights reaction, while wearing glasses that makes him appear to have googly eyes is especialy funny.

    Historical facts can’t be altered no matter how much Marxist revisionism is applied. The left will never learn.

  4. I love the wry smile on her lips before she bitch slaps the rasict little weasel with a nuclear logic bomb.

    She is a obviously intelligent and articulate woman ready to pounce on this retarded little mouse of a man.

    Shook him up so bad he couldn’t focus on his sequel lead in. I just bet this discussion will continue…

    To quote Dr. Evil, “Right”


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