Don Lemon Whitewashes ANTIFA – IOTW Report

Don Lemon Whitewashes ANTIFA

Let me remind Lemonhead-

18 Comments on Don Lemon Whitewashes ANTIFA

  1. “Why do they call it “Workers Paradise” when none of them work?”

    Because dey still be collectin’ da welfare checks. That’s the paradise.

  2. Yeah, just throwin’ it out there, but where is antifa going to teach their new morality of harmony and paradise? You know, there are already buildings in Europe where at one time they moved all the people that were causing problems to. They called them ‘concentration camps’. Doesn’t that sound like it would be fun for the racists? They can force them to ‘concentrate’ on changing their bad behaviors and learn new and proper ways to live in society! And they even had these cool showers…

  3. The left is freaking out because it is dying. Liberalism, progressivism, whatever they want to call it, lost big time when Trump was elected. They no longer control the narrative as they once did, so they are flailing about wildly and lashing out at anyone who doesn’t march lockstep with their decrees. It will get uglier before it gets better. Propagandists like the piece of shit Lemon will fabricate even more absurd lies than they already have in hope that enough morons will believe them that they’ll regain the controlling narrative. Push back with everything you can think of. The left is reeling.

  4. TO anonymous

    “Why do they call it “Workers Paradise” when none of them work?”

    Most lazy Lefties think of First World Welfare States as
    that “Workers’ Paradise”, and so imagine *real* socialism/communism *must* be “like, dude, 100x better, man.”

    Until they realize their mistake.
    And then it’s too late to do anything about it.

    If ONLY they could be exposed
    (NO, it’s *not* “indoctrination” when it’s reality)
    to places like Venezuela
    (it was easier when Eastern Europe was behind the curtain)…
    ….ideally, sent there ONE WAY.

  5. If the leftist rats are so against slavery that ceased functioning over 150 years ago they should be even more incensed about current day tax slavery enforced on working people to pay to support the lazy assholes who won’t work and want free stuff!

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