Don’t measure those drapes just yet – IOTW Report

Don’t measure those drapes just yet

How could you be NeverTrump? Just seeing the Clintons crumpled in the corner weeping before they throw a classic fit is enough for me to vote for a pile of dog sh*t covered in garbage truck juice.

Clinton has already planned a fireworks-filled victory party in Manhattan due to start just 30 minutes after the polls close 


19 Comments on Don’t measure those drapes just yet

  1. This is your last chance, nevertrumpers. Your last chance for any hope of power or relevance. There are seats at Trump’s table if you want them. Trumpers have put it all on the line, and we know what is coming to us if we lose. You nevertrumpers are operating under the delusion that you will be spared and live to triumph later. This is not going to happen, I assure you. Names have been taken.

    I pray that the Lord starts you awake in the night this week, sweating in fear from a Hillary nightmare, and that you proclaim your support of Trump far and wide to sway the hearts and minds of those who trust you.

  2. #NeverTrump-ers are like those weird guys who let other guys fuck them in the ass, while claiming they’re not homosexual because they don’t suck dicks.

    It wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This is so much fun.

    It’s like the demoRATS have been touting this huge, ripe watermelon, that will feed everyone, and ooooopps, the watermelon rolls off the table and splatters its rotten interior all over the plaice, as millions of fruit-fly maggots (liberal supporters) scatter.

    I LOVE IT!

  4. If Hillary Clinton “wins” impeachment proceedings will begin immediately, BEFORE she sets one crooked foot in the White House. Also there will be an actual bloody revolution and tax revolt in this country that will dwarf the Civil War and the American Revolution.

  5. If this doesn’t turn Never Trumpers, well we never really wanted their sorry asses after all. At least you Know what the libs are after. Never Trumpers are looking for sainthood or some other bullshit

  6. If, God forbid, Hillary gets =/> 270 electoral votes and becomes president. There’s no way she will be impeached. The senators lacked the courage to impeach Barry because he’s the first black president. Why would anyone think they have the courage to impeach the first woman president?

    otoh, maybe it has never been a question of a lack of courage. It’s possible the majority of senators, especially the leadership, just enjoyed the corruption, and the opportunity to gather more power to themselves. A legacy Hillary would continue.

  7. The whole local on air crew at KTTH Seattle is voting for Evan McMullin for President. This includes Michael Medved and Todd Herman. Their “voter guide” was released a day before the big Weiner discovery and it hasn’t been amended and their recent tweets indicate they are still steadfast NeverTrumpers. Absolute idiots.

  8. This reminds me of all the shocked reaction to obama’s many anti-American activities. People just didn’t understand that he acted purposefully. #NT wants Killery. They are with her. Trump aims to throw the bums out — and that includes them.

  9. “I agree with BLink. If Hillary is elected, DC will return to “normal”. Disaster for the country, but normal inside the beltway.”

    I don’t think so. Not this time. There’s been to much proof of what most of us have suspected. DC might return to normal but there’s a lot of really pissed off people. If 1% decide they’ve had enough, well let’s just say thing will not be peaceful or normal.

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