Don’t Worry, Hawaii… Joe Biden Feels Your Pain!! – IOTW Report

Don’t Worry, Hawaii… Joe Biden Feels Your Pain!!

Andrew has the details.

109 Comments on Don’t Worry, Hawaii… Joe Biden Feels Your Pain!!

  1. Hunter has a new Malibu Barbie home he rents for $16 grand a month.
    Don’t worry about his safety though, taxpayers are funding a nice little crib for the Secret Service across the street for $16,000 a month as well…

    How about that Hawaii?
    Is that enough of a “fuck you peasants” for you to stop voting for these soft-serve dog turds?

  2. What a despicable sub-human being.

    Trump would have been there by the next day and probably would have kicked in some of his own money for the relief effort. I wouldn’t be surprised that he can’ t now because his funds are frozen.

  3. Treason aside, the guy is a complete scumbag. Until he’s removed from office, our country is completley compromised. And when he IS removed from office, the damage he and Obama have done will take a generation or two to repair – if at all. Secession is the answer: we have to get the fuck away from the corruption, the street criminals, the illegal aliens and mentally ill generation of women and pussified men. We can do it.

  4. Willy’s, what’s gotten into you lately?

    You used to post interesting comments that furthered the discussion. Now you are no better than all of the anons. This petulant grade school shit of attacking loco at every turn, it’s beyond pointless it is annoying and brings the whole blog down.

    I wish the old Willy’s would come back.

  5. Jessica Tarlov says inane, indefensible gobilygook trying to defend her position and then tries to alter what others have said…..It reminds me of Loco…..

    She also avoids answering questions like you Rich….I’ll ask again ( because I’ve obviously missed you talking about your opinion on this. Please clarify.)….Was the 2020 Presidential election rigged and or stolen from President Trump?…Is Joe Biden the legitimate President of the United States of America?…..They are simple Yes or No questions that don’t need a Tarlov style minestrone volt session…..Your silence will result in the answer Yes to all questions….

  6. Loco & Willy, getiin a room? It was a nice thought at least for a wee little while, a second term served in prison not exactly where we thought he’d be. But who are we to complain for 3 sqaure meals, a communal shower & free butt plugs.

  7. This thread has morphed into some sort of sexual fantasy for willys.
    I don’t mind that he fantasizes about a liberal democrat, whatever floats his boat while he’s fucking his fat, bearded wife.

    What bothers me is that he thinks of me as Jessica while raw dogging some cow.

    Add the fact that Burr seemingly wants to watch some kind of sexual encounter between two dudes makes this the strangest and SICKEST thread in a LONG time…


  8. Bailiff, you get my parking space for the rest of the month.

    Logo, you gotta’ chill out. It’s obvious you’re upset and take everything personally. A disagreement with your point equates to a personal attack on you.

    You’re far too old to be acting like a newbie teen.

    Why not take a day off, go do some adult stuff, gain some perspective. This isn’t healthy for you.

  9. Hell, JessiLoco….I’ve been thinking about it…..It was your mama, tequila and NyQuil….I thought I was planting the flag on top of Mt. Siribachi and I was Ira Hayes….Then I flashed to Hill City SD during Sturgis 2007. Do you have a sister named Tina, cuz she ain’t….as I recall….

  10. Logo, I’ll fuck around with anyone. But as soon as shit gets real, so am I. Ask Brad. Guy used to hate me. But he gets me now.

    This is real. This is me, acting as a friend, trying to help you.
    You gotta’ step back from this place for a bit. You’re fun and witty but lately you’ve been bitter and desperate.

    Hell, all I have to do is post once and I get a flurry of responses from you.

    I don’t know whats going on with you. None of my business. If I can help, I will. All I’m doing is pointing out your behavior.

    Take it or leave it.

  11. For those simpletons here, and you two know who you are, this post is not for you.
    This is a recap of how we got here.
    This thread was exposing a “fed poster” who was trying to stir up shit.
    I was attacked out of the blue because some man-child was butt-hurt for some reason.
    I fired back as per usual.
    Some other douchebag who fancies himself as clever chimed in with a post about man-sex.
    I fired back as per usual.

    Don’t start none, won’t be none…

  12. Burrs a Patriot. Took me awhile to see it. Burr bleeds red white and blue. Burrs welcome in my fox hole anytime. Period end of story. Ditto for Willy. Loco, you need to stop jousting at windmills. But right now I think when the dust settles you are a patriot.

  13. “Listen to Burr?”
    That dumbass can’t hold my jock!
    Who the fuck is Burr to judge me?
    willys is such a pussy you guys know it.
    Swat him like a fly.
    Burr is a fucking legend in his own mind.
    Right now I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire…

  14. Ok, I’ll bite. Based on the progression of the thread. I’d have to say that Willy threw an extremely sarcastic joke out, and it was taken the wrong way by you, Loco.

    I read more than I comment here, and in doing so I have noticed that you have gone from essentially a happy go lucky drunk to a straight up mean drunk. I base this solely on what I have read over the past few weeks. The majority of your posts used to make me laugh. Now I just kinda roll my eyes. Just breathe, it’s just the interwebs, not real life.

    There, you asked for an honest opinion.

  15. Let’s face it, I get grief for having the nerve to criticize Trump.
    I dare think for myself.
    If anything by now, surely you have realized I don’t back down…

    I don’t know what crawled up willys ass but his hard-on for me is bizarre as fuck.
    We all argue over politics here but he has been starting shit on a regular basis for no reason.
    All non-sequitur attacks.

    So no, I’m not playing tonight, gloves are off.
    If you want to keep on I’m game…

  16. Thanks JB for your honesty.
    Yet if you have really paid attention you would know that willys hates my guts and was trying to stir up shit.
    No joking.
    Hell, I can still joke with Brad.
    Not willys, he is out to avenge some slight no doubt.

    BTW, he asked for it, he got it, Toyota…

  17. We can end this thread right now.
    I will chill if others agree to do so.
    Or we can keep up with the insults and lies?

    BTW, I’m just gettin’ warmed up!

    I don’t know who went to this place, William Howard Taft, William Jennings Bryan, William Tell — whoever. Their spirit is dead — if they ever had one — it’s gone.
    You’re building a rat ship here. A vessel for sea goin’ snitches. And if you think you’re preparing these minnows for manhood you better think again.
    Because I say you are killing the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills! What a sham.
    What kind of a show are you guys puttin’ on here today?
    I mean, the only class in this act is sittin’ next to me.
    And I’m here to tell ya this boy’s soul is intact.
    It’s non-negotiable.
    You know how I know? Someone here — and I’m not gonna say who — offered to buy it.
    Only Loco here wasn’t sellin’.

    Your choice, ya’ll…

  18. One correction there, Loco. To say that I know Willy hates you….nahh I can’t do it. And jokes tend to garner a wide variety of responses….it’s kinda the point, otherwise we’re all just a bunch of NPCs running into walls.

  19. OK, Loco, what do you think about DeSantis’ lame excuse for hesitating to raise his hand over supporting Trump even if he is still under investigation/convicted of outrageous charges. He said he believed there was an agreement among participants to not participate in a raise your hand vote so he was watching what others did. That could be the case, but it looked really weak nonetheless.

  20. One more point here.
    willys started in insulting family members.
    I fired back but he started that bullshit.
    Normally out of bounds.
    Someone insulted Brad’s daughter here the other night and I called him out that that was uncool.

    All I ask is honesty.
    I suppose I ask too much here.

  21. Toyota, Nagasaki, Nissan!

    And again I must quote Xaoilong, the wise, the pedantic,

    Actually I can’t bring myself to type it.

    But you mufukkers who know Xaiolong know what I can’t type, but is eternal.

  22. Well JB, willys has a bug up his ass regarding me.
    That is a fact, even if you aren’t aware.

    If you had a beef with someone and I didn’t know the details I would probably misjudge the situation in the same way you have.

  23. “Violently?”
    Are we liberals now where words are violence?
    Good grief!

    BTW, are you NEW here?
    Did you recently awake from a coma, Burr?

    This is Saturday night at the Octagon with Loco at center stage.
    I didn’t ask for this, minding my own business…

  24. Loco, you are not answering the question what do you think of his hesitation to raise his hand? Is he trying to read the room or is he doing something different? Do you have a DeSantis approved explanation for that. I saw his explanation, it wasn’t convincing.

  25. Loco, whether or not you and Willy have a beef with each other is immaterial. Your type of reactions are nothing new. Have seen many posters/commenters on various sites I helped run or was a member that reacted to situations/comments much in the same way as you. Not much new under the sun.

    Look at it this way when the question “Which ice cream do you prefer, chocolate or vanilla?” is asked, there’s always some yahoo that says strawberry. You just happen to currently be the strawberry guy in this case. Nothing wrong with it. It just kinda is. So get you some Neopolitan, a spoon and dig in. 🤣

  26. @ JessiLoco….It’s true by golly. I don’t like you…..Now, you can proceed with healing your soul, your spirit, your essence, your purpose…..Dang, I didn’t realize the power of my personality!….

  27. My reactions JB?
    Are you new here too?

    I have been called faggot, nearly daily for liking conservative as anyone, even more than Trump, Ron DeSantis.
    I have been threatened to have my ass kicked.
    I have been doxed.
    They wanted me cancelled here.
    Someone here wanted to fly to Vegas and rent a venue to fight me.
    I get called names every single day here due to my *checks notes* opinion.

    So, you taking issue with “my reaction” is quite the unfathomable.
    Let me quote Riley Gaines:

    “The projection, gaslighting, and irony in this post is insurmountable”

  28. I wrote (typed) a bunch of 20 years ago — articles about synchronizing Ducati TBs, and some shit about 1994 Chevy Suburban spark timing. And some other even smaller shit about dirty IACs.

    I got an email about 10 years ago that I had helped over 5000 people get their Ducati TBs correctly synchronized. All nonsense aside, I was shocked. They didn’t fucking pay me, though. And some ducati sites even used my tutorials word for fucking word…

    I mean, I wasn’t looking for money, but steal my shit word for word? And call it your own?

    As Marco did say, and I CAN type this, “Fuck you, Dawg!”

    What was this about?

  29. @Loco

    Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly.

    Quite the overreaction to a benign post such as mine, and I even added a bit of levity to it. Interesting. You’re making my point for me.

  30. “On behalf of Celine, because she would be far too classy to say this, I will…
    Eat shit and choke on it Erik.
    Ignorant sack of shit punk-assed faggot douche-bag!”

    Your quote, cunt.

  31. Why no, Logo. Your behavior changed radically a week or so ago. Several people have pointed this out. No one cares what your opinion is. What we’re noticing is your behavior.

  32. Yeah, but you said you never said… but you did, and that makes out to be a liar. You are a liar, a prevaricator, and a dis·in·gen·u·ous (say it slowly) asswipe.

    Like a fucking 5 year old.

  33. Erik, please point on the doll where Loco hurt you.

    LOL, what a pussy!
    Oops, better document that…
    BTW, where is YOUR quote that I responded to?




  34. Better check your notes, asswipe.

    My quote was, “Fuck Celine Dion. No-talent shitbomb.”

    Stick your checkmate up your blubbering ass.

  35. Erik, you were the shit-stirring dickfaced asshole.
    Hence my reasonable reply.
    Thanks for the admission.

    See guys, honesty is not that difficult.

    Seriously, that took courage to admit you were the piece of shit that started it.
    “Don’t start none… Won’t be none”
    Don’t dish if you cannot take…

  36. Dude is a dipshit.

    Anyway, anybody have any airhead Beetles for sale? 34 PICT 3 and later? I’m the moron who is partial to Super Beetles.

  37. Brad AT 11:05 PM

    Loco, you need to stop jousting at windmills. But right now I think when the dust settles you are a patriot.

    Loco is a lame little troll named Jeffery who thinks taking up space makes him look intelligent.

  38. A cold and cruel guy is Joe Biden who, with his backing by the race hate group Ku Klux Klan and sinister racist globalists, is aimimg to get rid of the brown folks in Hawaii in a land grab scheme. The former NYC mayor and billionaire toad Michael Bloomberg did the same with NYC’s Long Island City area and with NYPost’s co-racist Rupert Murdoch.

  39. Taylov is a pinko, I will give her credit for being half ass intelligent but her dip, dodge, duck and dips concerning the Pedo are so tedious, mendacious, and deliberately naive.

    She obviously knows the score but she has her narrative marching orders as a good little commie.

    As for all you grumpy old fuckers, neutral corners are needed. This infighting is exactly what the Alphabet Anons are being paid to stir up.

    We are all brothers in Christ and true patriots, that’s why the Alphabets are monitoring this site and facilitating bullshit for our individualized insurrection dossiers.

    As I regularly told my subordinates, drink a cup of shut the fuck up and complete the mission…

    Love all you IOTW critters and you Alphabets can kiss my ass.


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