Dr. Leana Wen, a former CNN medical analyst who famously stated that “the unvaccinated should not be allowed to leave their homes,” is now admitting that Covid dissenters should have been allowed to ask questions.
Wen, in a recent video, addresses the fact that many people had questions, particularly about the Covid vaccine, but were afraid to ask those questions because they might be told that their concerns were simply conspiracy theories. more here
“…allowed to ask questions…”
The condescension is thicker than spike protein contaminated blood.
“Some COVID ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Were Actually True”
Understatement of the century.
…so far…
@Uncle Al
Without even looking with a last name like Wen they are likely genetically disposed to Kowtow to anyone with an imaginary label that purportedly makes them an “authority”.
China is asshoe
Juuuuuuusst a few wee little reminders…
Two weeks to flatten the curve lie!
If you get vaccinated you won’t catch COVID lie!
If you get vaccinated you won’t spread COVID lie!
Trump said drinking bleach would fight COVID lie!
COVID lab leak was a conspiracy theory lie!
Cloth masks prevent COVID lie!
Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and “not for humans” lie and also a crime for killing people who otherwise would have taken it… lie!
Ahnold’s: Fuck your fweeum, get vaccinated”
“the unvaccinated should not be allowed to leave their homes,”
…Sean Hannity went them one better and said the unvaccinated should not be allowed IN their homes if they shared a building and elevator in NY with him. He wanted NYPD in the lobby of every building denying entry to those who could not document they were in his Coof cult.
No, Sean, I have not forgotten.
Big karate man afraid of a little cold bug that he supposedly believed himself vaxxxed against, wanting to bring the power of the State that he made his money railing AGAINST down on his fellow citizens in the most unConstitutional way possible, and this in the wake of him personally confirming Pedo Joe as a legit president and cutting off anyone who disagreed to preseve his own now obviously hypocritical job.
…I give the Coof Goof this, tho. It certanly ripped the mask off a LOT of frauds and fools, so at least we have a better idea of who is on which side…
The rhetoric on both sides were off the charts in 2020. The media dismissed questions too quickly, and belittled people for asking them. Many vaccine doubters had wacky theories. And it didn’t help when YouTube “experts” and internet keyboard warriors kept stirring the pot.
COVID was probably the best example of the democRAT mantra:
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Don’t have a good crisis?
no shit, you useless twat
Fuck you you fucking cunt.
I hope you and the kid you were pregnant with when you were trying to steal our rights both rot in hell.
Sorry kid, that’s what you were born in to.
s. hannity-******, ucan suck dick 2
Of course she’s amenable to saying that some conspiracy theories were true.
She and her rotten ilk have done as much damage as they can through C-19.
Now they can run it in the public’s face that we were right all along.
As an aside, I am glad there was basically a transcript of that article.
That bitch hums her N and M’s through her nasal cavity.
I don’t know how any writer/reporter can make it through an interview.
It would drive me nuts.
It’s standard practice in information warfare to plant people within your opponent’s ranks to make obviously false, even ridiculous and silly, assertions in order to tar by association the rest of the group as unreliable.
*rub* it in the…
fat fingers, a tiny keyboard and autocorrect with a will of it’s own.
“…I give the Coof Goof this, tho. It certanly ripped the mask off a LOT of frauds and fools, so at least we have a better idea of who is on which side…”
That and the 1st Trump term did a whole lot of that, which continues to this day, thank God.
An aside to your aside…glottal stops irk me terribly. We have a weatherman in ABQ who does it. He pronounces Clayton “Clay-on” and mountain “moun-ain”. I hope he gets a job in a bigger news market.
1harpazo – Maybe you should axe him…
a wen is also something that can grow on your body, but can be removed by a stethoscope-******
Arrested, tried, convicted, imprisoned, executed. That is Wen’s proper near future. The person used credentialed and state authority to coerce individuals to act in a manner causing their own maiming and or death.
The individual should never breathe another breath of free air.
The individual should never breathe another breath of free air… without a ventilator!
It only takes ONE LIE to make someone a LIAR.
F YOU and ALL the government CRIMINALS that conspired to hurt others.
I will continue to rely on my intellect which generates theories for me. As I will continue to rely on FACTS and the Scientific Method”, unlike you QUACKS, SHYSTERS, LIARS and MURDERERS !!!!
Spoken like a gaslighting Wuhan lab CCP cadre operative who convinced the Covid lemmings she was looking out for their best interest. She’s so sorry she didn’t take some of the conspiracy theories seriously at the time. Oops, her bad! Oh, but now the Covid lemmings have her permission to consider so-called Covid conspiracies have merit.
She could care less about conspiracies and all the death, crippling, sickness and misery she caused. “Wuhan” Wen is just trying to cover her bloody tracks after being responsible for millions of bioweapon Covid victim’s corpses as a result of her plandemic lies not based on real science.