Dr. Seuss Museum Painting Over Mural After Complaints of ………… RACISM!! – IOTW Report

Dr. Seuss Museum Painting Over Mural After Complaints of ………… RACISM!!

Here’s the racist image-

Which part is the “racist” image, you ask?

It’s the one that looks exactly like reality-

The left sees reality and finds it embarrassing, unacceptable and insulting. So, who’s the racist?


ht/ fdr in hell


23 Comments on Dr. Seuss Museum Painting Over Mural After Complaints of ………… RACISM!!

  1. Supposedly minorities cannot be racist and since whites are a very small minority compared to the vast numbers of people populating the world they can never be racist no matter what they say or do!

  2. Heat and air guy told me about telling a customer they’d replace the old furnace, vent pipe and the old Chinese cap(vent cap) that was no longer code. The lady went nuts according to him calling him a racist and that it was the most racist thing she had ever heard and how could he call something that. He said he tried to rationalize with her and tell her he didn’t name it that’s what it’s always been called and it’s called that because that is what it looks like.
    She told them she would find someone else, she’d never hire racists. Called the owner screamed at him, called the local news who at least did the correct thing before airing it and actually asked what happened and decided to not embarrass themselves after hearing the story.

    He told me that a few years ago and every time I see one of those vents on a house it makes me laugh. Seeing this reminded me of the story and gave me another good laugh.

    Liberals always prove they’re mentally insane.

  3. I was just in “Chinatown” (raciss??) in Chicago this weekend. Those racist Chinese shopkeepers were selling those racist pointy hats and the racist Chinese restaurateurs were serving us racist bowls of rice which they forced us to eat with (horrors) racist chopsticks. Not a fork in the joint!

  4. More racist books from Dr Seuss

    Gleen Eggs and Ham
    One Chink, Two Chink, Led Chink, Brue Chink
    Kow Tow to Mao
    How Glinch Stole Chlistmas
    Holton Hear Hu
    The Cat In The Vat
    Oh, The Racist You Know

  5. That Li-I-see
    That Li-I-see
    I do not like that Li-I-see

    Would you like green rice and tea?
    I do not like them, Li-I-see
    I do not like green rice and tea

    Would you like them here or there?
    I would not like them here or there
    I wouldn’t like them in Tianamen Square

    Would you like them in a mix?
    Would you eat them with chopsticks?

    Would you like them in a bowl?
    Would you like them with egg roll?

    Would you like it cooked in woks?
    Would you like it in a box?

    Would you like it on a train?
    Should we put it in chow mein?

  6. It’s a good thing that Dr. Seuss never said Gook. The first time that I heard Mark Steyn on Rush’s show he called Asians Gooks, I thought for sure when I heard him say that he’d never be back to guest host Rush’s program. Now about Uighurs, man do I miss Uighur Wednesday when Mark Steyn guest hosted on Weds.

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