Drunk Pelosi Suddenly Switches Parties – IOTW Report

Drunk Pelosi Suddenly Switches Parties

Drunken Pelosi thinks it was Republicans that was responsible for lockdowns.

17 Comments on Drunk Pelosi Suddenly Switches Parties

  1. There was something humorous in that clip of P-Lousy flapping her botox. Did you notice the complete boredom on the faces of the two critters lurking in the row of seats behind the “speaker”?

    That’s a metaphor for what the flyover people think about the entire swamp.

  2. Term limits? We need age limits! Like “Logan’s Run”, except that at age sixty you are ineligible for office. Too, no healthcare, no pension, and ALL elected officials have to live in the barracks at Andrews or Belvoir …appointees, too. The LAWFULLY elected president HAS to live in the White House.

  3. So does milk in the milk machines on board ship, I was shitcanned to mess duty (KP) my last 2 months or so on board the Kitty Hawk in the Spring of 1975 before I was honorably discharged on 8-18-75. When the milk starts to run out and get old before an unrep, it comes out of the milk machine all curdled and gross. That was one of my duties making sure that the milk machines were stocked even when we almost ran out.

  4. The top-heavy tipping-over drunk Pelosi should try Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey for more clarity and honesty. That NIGHT TRAIN she drinks will never do it. lolol


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