Dumbing Down Minority Students – IOTW Report

Dumbing Down Minority Students

American Thinker:

By Eileen F. Toplansky

For years now, the educational establishment and the Democrat Party have colluded to damage pride of accomplishment within the black community.  Now that the Democrat Party is essentially a Marxist outlet, the drive for weakening American children’s education is on full display. In fact, “dumbing down education [is the] key to dismantling America.” It is the communists’ dream to destroy the American dream. 

As the debate over Critical Race Theory has emerged, Richard L. Cravatts, Ph.D., explains “the insidious nature of this radical new ideology now being taught to American schoolchildren and the myriad ways in which public school students are being groomed to carry out the agendas of the Left.”  It is also ultimately the pathway to pit white people against black people.

Candace Owens clearly articulates what is happening.

“…they’re trying to teach a Marxist ideology.’ Hard academics such as learning science and mathematics subjects are being replaced.

‘They’re learning how to hate white people. They’re learning how to hate their country, and this is problematic for the future. What they’re trying to do is guarantee that they have an ignorant group of people that vote based on emotion. It’s a Democrat long-term strategy, and it’s finally coming into fruition.’ READ MORE

20 Comments on Dumbing Down Minority Students

  1. From personal experience during my time as a teacher, I can say that not all students are falling for this. I have a couple of anecdotes of students who have excelled despite English being a second language and coming from a disruptive or troublesome background.
    One student could not speak English when she started school, but 4 years later, she had won multiple awards (justifiable) because she wanted to achieve and her family supported her. Another was just coasting when I first met him. He was athletic and played a good game of basketball. When he was injured, he started paying attention and became one of my better students.

  2. The teachers unions (the dog that wags the tail formally known as the education system), does not need CRT to further erode the scholastic capabilities of our children, have you seen the test scores?

    Never in the history of the world has one institution failed so miserably at their job, yet is praised so effusively by the community, as our educators.

    If judged strictly at education, making our kids smarter and more able to globally compete in the market place, their efforts suck hind tit. But if, on the other hand, we grade them on achieving their true goal, to pass through a generation of total illiterates, too stupid to even take care of themselves or provide for their own needs as to be dependent on the largess of the government to survive, then by these standards, they have done a bang up job.

  3. They want black people to be the animals you have to live with if you get tossed out of the mainstream economy that the democrats plan to fully run and control. Anything that could be done to civilize and bring black people into mainstream society democrats sabotage at every opportunity.

  4. Growing up I always suspected that 10-20% of black folks hated whitey.

    Be it envy, be it taught to them, be it due to actual racism, I don’t know?
    I understand our history and older blacks but the younger ones are definitely being taught since they are spoiled with everything otherwise.

    In 2022 the anecdotal evidence suggests that the number is climbing and may very well be above 70%.
    I hope I’m way off but I doubt it…sigh*

  5. It’s been said the average public-educated inner-city yut has a functional vocabulary of 200 words. After working with many such specimens I and forced to concur.

  6. I’m not an authority on this subject but I figured I throw this. I was always gifted at math. Partly responsible for my career choice. In case nobodies ever heard it, I own a Precision Machine shop and we use to take our fair share of entry level young kids in. We made an effort to train them up. The skill they lacked, math. It’s freaken amazing how fast they caught on when they understood what problem, and why, they were trying to solve. You could literally see the light go on. Very satisfying. They teach math all wrong and it’s only gotten worse.

  7. Nah,it’s a whole generation.

    I was scrolling through youtube lookin’ for neolithic history. Because I like it and find it relaxing. A few months ago I started noticing videos about Tartaria and some mud flood.

    Typical,lots of kooks with wild theories hang around legitimate science all the time. They’re noted for the vast amount of effort and research put into their theories and claims of academia.

    But this new conspiracy doesn’t even bother. Basically, people are looking at old pictures of Worlds Fairs and other expositions and claiming they’re evidence of a lost civilization. Why? Because they look at pictures of miners and stone cutters from the same time period, note their rough tools and concluded they were unable to build such amazing stuff. Like court houses. Or old Italian sculptures.

    It’s heartbreaking. Famous building most of us could name, or works of art once known and celebrated……just more evidence of a lost high technology civilization.

    Where do you start with someone who believes that because the central axle of a giant Ferris wheel from one of these world fairs was buried in a golf course: therefore the reason the U.S. government owns so many golf courses is to hide buried technology from the past.

    Oh, and just like ignorant illiterate peasants from the middle ages, anything they can’t explain was built by giants.

    Yup. A race of giant Tartarians once rules the erf with high technology and then (fill in the blank) happened and now they’re all gone with their accomplishments covered up because (fill in the blank)

    Saddest’ attempt at history I’ve ever seen. And there’s a lot of these videos.

  8. joe6pak
    Here’s something to ponder. The Japanese, an up and coming economy,(12 years ago) masters of the universe, the ultimate authority on self discipline. And now they’re a freaken side note in current news. WTF? They owned, owned, a big segment of our economy. And currently, no mention. WTF is up with that? Probably deserves more attention then what I’ve provoked.
    Japs use to teach math with the answer, and then back into the equation. Fucking brilliant. And our educators, well they’re dumber than dog turds.

  9. Marxist-indoctrinated black American students are like canaries in the marxist coal mine. The toxic socialist inferior education of black American children is proving to be effective in creating generations of ignorant, stupid “people of color”.

    Essentially, the main goal of Marxists is to destroy the American culture and foundations by teaching ALL Americans children, regardless of skin color to hate their country and themselves – as early as possible.

    The method to accomplish this goal is to erasing vital skills – the proverbial reading, writing and arithmetic that support critical thinking and produce a stable mind.
    Which eliminates autonomy, in turn destroys the country.

  10. IQ has a lot to play into this: you just can’t make lower IQ people smarter. But you can make them wiser and with better character.

    But that won’t happen. The dumbing-down the money-making operation continues. Where else are the likes of Maxine Waters going to get a job, the post office? Who would hire Rashida Tlaib? Omar? AOC?

  11. Can we start our own conspiracy of secret knowledge?

    I’d like to promote the idea that all ancient unexplained temples, megaliths and/or ancient quarries were actually vacation resort spots for a jet setting elite of stone age people.

    I think it’s a charming idea and vague enough to capture the imagination of the psuedo-scientific.

    Oh…and we can say all the evidence you need to support this theory can be found in the Mummers parade….which is a re-creation of the ornate and symbolic dance moves ancient waiters were required to know.

    I dunno’, I’ve never tried to fake history before. Too outlandish or nor outlandish enough?

  12. The antebellum Demonrats forbade the slaves from learning to read or do math.
    They STILL forbid the slaves from learning to read and do math.
    Slaves accept their slavery more readily when they’re ignorant and demoralized.
    Hence, our “education” system.
    When seen in the full light of day, there’s no mystery.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Burr,
    Brilliant, sir!
    Makes more sense than Ancient Aliens or those giants from the Caucasus.
    A series of peer-reviewed papers is in order: “A Psycho-Social History of Stone-Age Jetsetters and Their Heuristic Paradigmatically-Shifted Vacation Resorts” for instance.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  14. People should accept my theories.The alternative is always much, much worse.Case in point?

    Anasazi ruins.You know,southwest, they built “kivas”, or big underground rooms etc… no signs of habitation, but it’s this big complex.

    Me: “Probably a vacation destination.”


    So I was mostly right….. plus my theory didn’t upset their descendants currently living in the area.

    They really should have simply accepted my findings and moved on.

  15. Oh yeah, wizards actually wore pointed hatz. (Ancient astronomer priests had big hatz with golden suns, moons and stars all over them. They were calendars)

    Ancient Mesopotamians used parrots to convey messages too private for cuneiform tablets….and White people come from Asia.

    You may have missed that last bit but based on mummified remains found in the deserts of Asia, White people who wore plaid kilts and pants roamed all over Asia thousands of years ago.

    Actual history is so much cooler than made up junk.

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