Durham Looks At Brennan For What Exactly? – IOTW Report

Durham Looks At Brennan For What Exactly?

A Former Federal Prosecutor Explains The Possible Criminal Misconduct

“What did the intelligence community actually know about the Steele dossier, its origins and the potential political bias behind it,” Ray said of the focus of Durham’s probe into Brennan. “And also what were they doing behind the scenes and comparing that with what [Brennan and Clapper’s] public statements were.”

6 Comments on Durham Looks At Brennan For What Exactly?

  1. We must be a very patient people or a very lazy people to be putting up with such outrageous lawlessness without taking matters into our own hands and hanging these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS from lampposts!

  2. LOSERS!
    They had Brennan, Comey, Clapper, The FBI, CIA and the entire intel community, Barrack Obama & his entire administration, overseas spy foreign spy agencies, Mueller, Crowstrike, Fusion GPS, Steele and still lost to Trump in 2016!

    Total classless “LOSERS” Take the “L”

  3. The Senate Judiciary Committee has oversight responsibilities and could address these and many other issues. Just bringing them to light over the years would have helped. I’m disgusted with the GOP for protecting the deep state.

  4. Walpurgis

    They, like the Senate Intelligence committee, are compromised. Lindsay Graham isn’t going to expose himself.
    The BHO CIA admitted to hacking the Intelligence Committee ‘s computers and they did nothing. You can bet they have dirt on these people.


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