E. Jean Carroll’s resurfaced social media posts shred her “credibility” – IOTW Report

E. Jean Carroll’s resurfaced social media posts shred her “credibility”


E. Jean Carroll is the woman who accused Trump of raping her in a department store and recently won approximately $5 million dollars against Trump in a New York City court. We admit we didn’t follow the trial particularly closely. Still, frankly, the evidence we are about to present convinces us that Ms. Carroll is lying about the entire thing.

You see, we just learned about this Facebook post:

15 Comments on E. Jean Carroll’s resurfaced social media posts shred her “credibility”

  1. Not nearly as big a deal as a corrupt judge who manipulates the outcome of a trial. That is a huge scandal and I wish I could find it surprising and not expected. Of all of the behavior everyone expects from the left, or progressives I should say (the Republican establishment is just as responsible), corruption of the judiciary is one that the Founding Fathers were perhaps most aware of and specifically referenced often.

    Ours is a system of governance totally unfitted for any but a moral and religious people. Could anything be more clear at this point.

  2. “A federal judge agreed to seal material related to whether billionaire and prominent Democratic party donor Reid Hoffman is bankrolling a rape lawsuit against former President Donald Trump….”

    Reid Hoffman did finance the lawsuit, he did finance anti-Trump PACS, he is a yuge democrat donor. Judge did not allow jury to know this.

    E Jean and her lawyer got the 2022 law passed in NY
    and filed her suit within 24 hours it was passed. “A new law in New York State gives sexual assault survivors a one-year window to bring claims against abusers, setting aside the statute of limitations for civil lawsuits….”

    IMHO, E. Jean always sounds drunk.

  3. Jethro and Zonga – –

    EXACTLY! Her credibility is ZIp, Zero Nada! If we were privy to the dialog between her lawyer and the democRAT party I would bet you good money that this was all hatched by the dem hacks and Jean was just the willing tool to be used by them to attack Trump! As for the 5 Mil, probably half (or more) will wind up in dem pockets… but we’re a long way from President Trump writing that check!

  4. Another duplicitous filthy lying evil braindead cunt, just like Blasey-Ford who said she was afraid to fly because of Kavanaugh only to be exposed by her countless overseas trips.

  5. One more detail that stood out as a red flag to me. She kept (and wore it for a photo op?!)the dress she claims to have been wearing during the alleged rape. As a police officer I responded to many reports of rape and had to interview victims. They did NOT want the clothes back and some things had to be taken for evidence.

  6. Anyone who is exposed to EJC for more than 10 seconds and who doesn’t conclude that her credibility is absolutely zero is as crazy as she is. Except for President Trump, everybody involved in the suit, and I mean EVERYBODY, was pretending she was worthy of attention with the full knowledge that she was NOT.



  7. Did the case even establish the date of the rape and whether Trump was in Bergdorf-Goodman on that date? These would seem to be essential facts required to establish possible truth of the accusation.


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