“Eco-Chaplains” Are There to Help Sufferers of “Climate Grief” – IOTW Report

“Eco-Chaplains” Are There to Help Sufferers of “Climate Grief”


The eco-chaplain is a 21st century invention, and while no one knows exactly how many there are, chaplaincy experts agree that the number is likely less than 100. There is no universally recognized eco-chaplaincy training, as there is for other kinds of chaplaincy, but a number of organizations offer training from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish and secular perspectives.

Today, there are chaplains working at the intersection of climate, grief and spirituality in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and Canada. Most develop their own ways of addressing the issue, from one-on-one therapy sessions to online climate grief circles and in-person support groups. More

17 Comments on “Eco-Chaplains” Are There to Help Sufferers of “Climate Grief”

  1. Climate grief gimme a friggin break, what a load of horse shit. Meanwhile you will never get an ounce of grief and shame out of the left for all the innocent babies that they’ve murdered by abortion. I have no compassion for these miserable bastards who care more for trees than they do for babies. I hate the left.

  2. I was thinking the people organizing drum circles and screeching loudly in the woods about how the world hasn’t met their expectations must have run out clients to fleece.

  3. How do you minister to a tree and does ma gaia really give a shit or even hear the prayers of a so-called eco-chaplain who is really nothing more than a shaman and a witch doctor. How can ma gaia hear since she’s a totally fake and made-up leftist god.

  4. Those “chaplains” ought to be prepared to help the truly eco-freakos ease the burden on Gaia by means of the administration of the Socrates solution, hemlock, followed by natural, organic, free-range, vegan composting.

  5. …I am INCREDIBLY sick of Communists ruining every word and corrupting every office.

    Ive know Chaplains, REAL Chaplains, men who serve in direst situations with the annointing of God but without the prestige and education of a priest or a minister, being lay ministers or like deacons themselves, but with a real job to do simultaneous with their ministerial work. True Chaplains serve in police forces and fire departments, hospitals and military outfits, and while they do not have the depth of training in their personal religion that a full time minister may have, they have to know SOMETHING of MANY religions that they may bring spiritual comfort to people of many faiths, calming them for treatment or preparing them for death as the occasion demamds.

    I once ran with a Life Squad Captain who doubled as a Chaplain, and boy wasnt HE a popular guy. I was introduced to him as “Captain Tuna”, the reason I found out sometime later being that his REAL name was Marlin, but some other fellow om the department looked him up and down and said, “YOU aint no Marlin, you’re more of a Tuna”, and the name stuck.

    But the fighting fish moniker actually suited him better. He was tough, tenacious, knowledgeable in both physical and spiritual healing, whether treating and comforting a patient and their family or running a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing with the whole Department after a scene went sideways. Even heathen young me had nothing but respect for the man and he earned it every time I saw him.

    So I find the crap they call “chaplain” in the MoDeRn WeRlD a despicable insult to that man and men like him who carry God’s annointing into situations where its most needed and most difficult to do so.

    “Eco-chaplain” is not a thing. The environment is not a person. God is in control of the environment, NOT man, and the whole ecology movement is nothing but Communists trying to stand in His place, so no one who supports the attempted usurpation of His Ultimate Throne can carry any sort of annointing of God, and in fact blasphemes Him by mocking the titles of those in His service.

    And hospital chaplains, once of actual spirituality and immediate comfort, have been so watered down and diminshed by corporate/government medicine (itself a corrupt mockery of what it once was) that they actally, actively make things WORSE. Heres an example of the blasphemous, heretcally woke debasement of one now, preaching death instead of life in shis mockery of a “ministry”.


    …make no mistake, Communists seek to destroy ALL that is good and holy in their cursed and vain quest to please their master in hell, and no form of ministry is safe from their depredations and disparagement and outright misrepresetation in mockery of the very Holy Spirit that a true minister needs to fulfil his calling.

    As the Bible says they will.

    “10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

    11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

    12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”
    -Matthew 24:10-12

    …be not decieved, these warped images of true annointed Chaplains are there to mislead, to corrupt, and to make men lose faith, and thats EXACTLY what an Eco-minister is for.

    For he brings no peace in suffering but only fuels hate and a false worship of the created and NOT the Creator.

    Reject them as the tools of the devil that they are.

    And do NOT honor them with any title that is the right only of those who are touched by His Spirit and carry His Annointing.

    Certainly not “Chaplain”.

    Or any other ministerial title.

    For they are NOT ministers but murderers.

    Murderers of faith.
    For a true Chaplain knows what a false one does NOT.

    That the ONLY source of comfort and healing and peace comes from the Lord.

  6. SNS covers this nicely. The dopes who thoughtlessly reject religion still need a belief system and the gamut of socialism, communism, environmentalism, climate change and now the racialism movements all serve as substitutes, poor ones, but usable.


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