Elderly Woman in Belgium Had the AUDACITY to “Offend” a Moroccan – She’s Tossed Off Bus into Curb Leaving Her With a Section of Her Scalp Hanging Off – IOTW Report

Elderly Woman in Belgium Had the AUDACITY to “Offend” a Moroccan – She’s Tossed Off Bus into Curb Leaving Her With a Section of Her Scalp Hanging Off

Multiculturalism is a strength, dontcha know.

The left says “words are violence”, so, it only stands to reason that this old lady had it coming for whatever she uttered.

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17 Comments on Elderly Woman in Belgium Had the AUDACITY to “Offend” a Moroccan – She’s Tossed Off Bus into Curb Leaving Her With a Section of Her Scalp Hanging Off

  1. Sounds like they yell “WORLDSTAR!” around 0.25, a sure sign of violence when Black groups do it in the States, not a fan so don’t know if its a Muzzie thing now or not…

  2. I’m half expecting this kind of thing to happen here. We have hundreds of Haitians who are stealing from local stores every day and about 100 Afghanis were brought here 2 weeks ago.

    It’s all meant to destabilize the world so the globalists can “rescue” us and rule us.


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