Elon Musk Deploys SpaceX Starlink Satellites to Keep Ukraine’s Internet Online – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Deploys SpaceX Starlink Satellites to Keep Ukraine’s Internet Online

Neon Nettle: Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has deployed his company SpaceX’s Starlink satellite network to ensure Ukraine can still access the Internet as Russia attacks the country’s infrastructure during the invasion.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his forces to destroy the Internet network in Ukraine to stop locals, media, and government officials from communicating with the outside world during the attacks.

Musk answered a plea from Ukraine’s vice prime minister who asked to help keep the country online with his satellite network. more here

10 Comments on Elon Musk Deploys SpaceX Starlink Satellites to Keep Ukraine’s Internet Online

  1. Don’t expect any help from Facebook. They are way too busy covering up fuckups from the Biden administration and Fauci’s Big Pharma Con Job. Plus they have a transgender narrative to sell.

  2. @Smarter than a Circus Dog February 28, 2022 at 6:47 pm

    > A hundred at most?

    C’mon, man! The Ukraine’s not a bread basket of deplorables! It’s chock full of modern pedotrannies!

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