Elon Musk threatens to sue ‘creepy’ Tim Walz  – IOTW Report

Elon Musk threatens to sue ‘creepy’ Tim Walz 


Elon Musk threatens to sue ‘creepy’ Tim Walz for accusing him of Nazi salute; billionaire’s mom urges lawsuit against CNN.

Elon Musk has threatened to sue Tim Walz after the Minnesota governor said “of course” the billionaire did a Nazi salute at an inauguration rally for President Donald Trump.

Walz declared during an appearance on MSNBC on Tuesday, “We spent three days, you know, them trying to debate that President Musk gave a Nazi salute — of course he did!”‘

Also during his MSNBC appearance, Walz revealed that losing the 2024 election was “pure hell.” more here

10 Comments on Elon Musk threatens to sue ‘creepy’ Tim Walz 

  1. “Creepy” doesn’t do Timmy justice. Yesterday, Matt Taibbi an article about the Dems’ “bench” according to the WaPo, and he had this to say about Walz (emphasis mine):

    Walz will go down as an all-time campaign punchline, a female Beltway consultant’s idea of a politician with crossover appeal whose unfavorability ratings shot like a rocket from the moment of selection and haven’t started back down yet. Walz the political idea was fascinating. Democrats didn’t know whether to sell him as traditionally manly or as a vessel for “redefining” masculinity. They ended up taking the fork in the road, smothering the “folksy” Minnesotan in male-stereotype outfits (baseball hats, “dad in plaid” flannel shirts) every day while also trotting him out as a froglike hermaphroditic improvement, a “joyful warrior” and emblem of “tonic masculinity” who’d draw a pleasing contrast to “bros” and “cavemen” of the right.

    The result was a psychedelic gender pukeshake, in which “redefined” tonic super-coach-Dad mainly came across as gayer than Corky St. Clair in Waiting For Guffman but also tinged with gripping slapstick menace. Aides dove for cover when he tried to clear his own shotgun on a “pheasant” hunt, a fiasco photo op that produced a Vesuvius of vicious memes (Twitter filled with images of Walz loading weapons with tampon-shells) but no game. “One member of Walz’s hunting party shot a rooster,” the Washington Post concluded sadly, “but the carcass was not recovered.”

    BTW, for those who wrote of Taibbi because he was an insufferable leftie, he’s not an insufferable leftie any more. I wouldn’t call him a conservative, but I would call him sane.

  2. I hope Musk takes that jackass-of-a-governor to the cleaners – both for calling him “President” and for saying he did the Nazi Solute (If the quote in the article is accurate).

    President Trump should also sue.

  3. Adolph Hitler did a public spastic jig in Paris after the fall of France in World War 2 just like tampon timmy did a spaz dance while running as kammie’s VP candidate. It’s like the pot calling the kettle black. Uncle Al, I like your reference to Walz as a psychedelic gender pukeshake, that made me laugh.


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