Endorsement of Hillary by WAPO Admits She is Horrible and Disliked By Millions – IOTW Report

Endorsement of Hillary by WAPO Admits She is Horrible and Disliked By Millions

What a ringing endorsement — “We recognize that many Americans distrust and dislike Ms Clinton. The negative feelings reflect in part the bitter partisanship of the nation’s politics today; in part the dishonest attacks she has been subjected to for decades; and in part her genuine flaws, missteps and weaknesses.

“We are not blind to those.”


Mistrusted. Genuine “missteps.”

Could you please go into detail for your moron readers?


11 Comments on Endorsement of Hillary by WAPO Admits She is Horrible and Disliked By Millions

  1. “the dishonest attacks she has been subjected to for decades”
    how in the world are the accusations (not attacks) “dishonest”?
    wouldn’t that “require a willing suspension of disbelief”?

  2. This shouldn’t have come as a surprise. The little bit of acknowledgement of her misdeeds (not missteps) was put there to prove to readers how even handed they are. It’s bullshit. Since being taking over by Jeff Bezos (he of Amazon dot com) the Post has turned even more left. Bezos is a lefty who likes being rich and making sure the majority aren’t.

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