Enjoying Your Immigrants? – IOTW Report

Enjoying Your Immigrants?

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Way to go, France. You like that Libyan Muslim diversity?

This is how Muslims are taught to treat women.

12 Comments on Enjoying Your Immigrants?

  1. So sad….is there a single man left in Europe who will stand up to these shits? While they maybe getting what they voted for that makes so mad words can’t describe. I’m an older guy and counsel and tell the younger guys I work with what is happening out there. Thankfully they see it too, and they don’t like it either. The time is coming soon.

  2. Filthy, stinking jigaboo cunts… Can’t tell if that was black evil or raghead evil… Looks the same… Outrageously cruel and brutal act followed by hysterical laughing from a crowd of dusky cunts in dire need of a spraying by a cloud of .50BMG rounds.

  3. More and more these people are proving they aren’t poor refugees fleeing violence ……….. they ARE the violence. The way they treat these girls not only shows their brazen contempt for females as human beings. It also shows their brazen contempt for European males (who are weakly allowing it to happen) as well as western civilization itself.

    These sub-human, bipedal primate parasites are products of a vile culture that has no concept of or use for western values such as common courtesy, respect for the rights of others or basic human decency. They clearly have no innate capacity for reasoned thought or cultural development.

    Thus, the only viable solutions for the preservation of western (Christian) society and culture is to send them directly back to whatever hell hole they emerged from or expunge them from the face of the earth.

  4. Not much different than the hoods. Aimless shits supported by the over taxed-payer who know they can get away with anything as a protected species. Doesn’t matter where they live or where they came from. That is the attitude that will be cultivated with liberal policies, the Radical Left knows it, fosters it and has skilfully crafted this chaos to destroy the West with. The sooner Politically Correct Numbnuts get this thru their thick skulls, the sooner we can start correcting the problem!

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