ER Nurse Tests Positive for COVID-19 Eight Days AFTER Pfizer Vaccine – IOTW Report

ER Nurse Tests Positive for COVID-19 Eight Days AFTER Pfizer Vaccine

“It’s not unexpected at all.

Neon Nettle: A California nurse has tested positive for COVID-19 eight days after he received his Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, according to reports.

San Diego hospital ER health worker Matthew W. was vaccinated on December 18, according to his Instagram post.

“Got my Covid vaccine!” Matthew wrote. 

“The 15 minutes afterward sitting around with a bunch of others while health care workers asked us how we felt made me think of an opium den.

“I’ll report back if I start to grow a third arm.”

However, Matthew, who works at two different SD hospitals, began feeling ill after working a shift in the COVID-19 unit on Christmas Eve. more

21 Comments on ER Nurse Tests Positive for COVID-19 Eight Days AFTER Pfizer Vaccine

  1. What a load, “It’s in line with what we expected…” The humma-humma is strong with this bullshit.

    So get an untested vaccine for a virus that’s so deadly you can have it and know know and give it to others with a 99.6% survival rate. And you can still catch the Chinese flu with TPTB telling you, that’s totally normal after getting vaccinated.

    Makes sense to me./s

  2. I’m not advocating getting this vaccine at all but I believe that the vaccines that they are giving out now has to be followed up with another shot a few weeks later in order for it to be effective.
    My sister-in-law works in health care and she got the first shot but has to get another booster with it in January.

  3. Every single time I got the flu shot, I got the flu, like BAD.
    The years I didn’t get it, which is the last 10 years, I didn’t get a sniffle/cough/vomit/fever. Maybe a common cold or two (may have been allergy) that lasted 48 hours, but definitely not the flu.

  4. MJA: Are we related? That’s my experience, too. Otherwise I have not had the flu for almost 48 years when I had the London Flu.

    Those case I had from flu vaccines were really nasty, not just some slight brush with mild symptoms. But I am assured that that would not happen with modern flu shots because they do not have s live virus.

    And I assure people who tell me that that they are more than welcome to engage in self intercourse.

    I believe this COVID vaccine would kill me.

  5. I haven’t had a vaccine of any kind in over half a century and have never caught anything there is a vaccination for.

    My immune system is still unimpeded and fully functional as a result, which is why I have zero fear of covid.

  6. …so, what’s the LONG term effects, there, Matthew? Are you sterile now? Will it give you cancer? Will your sperm live enough to make babies with birth defects? You’re a nurse, did you look in the PDR under “Teratogenic Effects” and find there were NO studies? Did you and your “Opium Den” discuss THAT?

    …so, you now have taken a vaccine with COMPLETELY unstudied reproductive and long-term effects that may have sickened you instead of protecting you, but you only have a thoroughly dubious test to tell you if that’s even what you have. In any case, here you are, sick and locked down, as no doubt your freinds and family and co-workers are now, too.

    You risked everything.

    You gained nothing.

    …you may want to carry the idea of evaluating things on a risk/reward basis into the future, if you have one, and maybe not trust a government and medical establishment that a clinically educated person like you SHOULD be well aware has lied about EVERY ASPECT of this seasonal flu from the word “GO” for no reason other than to destroy an economy, a President, and a Nation…

    …God help you, Matthew.

    Clearly your EMPLOYER didn’t…

  7. Deb the Bee- It’s weird. I know someone whose mom has a visiting nurse that sometimes goes from one hospital to another for work on the same day (Two 4 hour shifts) and then drops by on her way back home to see the person’s mom for an hour. She doesn’t change clothes until she gets to the mom’s house.

  8. Deb the Bee
    DECEMBER 30, 2020 AT 2:54 PM
    “Letting a health care worker be employed at two different hospitals? I know they’re short staffed, but that’s not smart.”

    …you can’t isolate a hospital. As a medic there were a half-dozen I went to pretty regular, and about 10 throughout the region and that was in no way uncommon. Doctors practice in multiple hospitals as do surgeons, oncologists, etc., and they tend to like their own staffs involved as well.

    And thats before you get to other external support from the florist to the pastors to the pharmacy salesman, all of whom and more may show up in multiple hospitals on the same day…

    …at the end of the day, you can’t live in fear. Every hospital has a staph infection rate that can kill you. Every hospital has nosocomial illnesses that can kill you. Every doctor can give you iatrogenic death in ANY hospital, or no hospital at ALL.

    This all goes back to that risk/ reward decision making I talked about earlier. You have to make a rational decision about the risk a hospital can kill you vs. The chance that a hospital can save you.

    As for this nurse practicing elsewhere in particular, that may be a good thing. There may be Continuing Education Credits he can’t get at his home hospital to keep his license up. He may learn new procedures and new techniques to bring to his base hospital.

    And I can’t emphasize enough how important EXPERIENCE is in medicine. You’re not going to really KNOW what a disease or injury looks like unless you SEE it, so more experience is ALWAYS a good thing for a health care provider. You need to get out of your bubble to GET it, though.

    …Hospitals have a LOT of problems, but I don’t see this as one of them.

    …but maybe I’m just behind the times…

  9. @MJA That’s how the Covid traveled here from one nursing home that was ground zero at the beginning of this mess-to other nursing homes in the area. Nurses working one day here, another shift there…

    Yet, to the news media it’s one of life’s great mysteries.

  10. MJA DECEMBER 30, 2020 AT 2:58 PM
    “Deb the Bee- It’s weird. I know someone whose mom has a visiting nurse that sometimes goes from one hospital to another for work on the same day (Two 4 hour shifts) and then drops by on her way back home to see the person’s mom for an hour. She doesn’t change clothes until she gets to the mom’s house.”

    …after we took my infant son home for the first time after an extended hospital stay to make sure we knew how to care for him since he was born with a cleft, we had a nurse assigned to come to us every week for a few months to make sure he was thriving, as we were brand-new parents and he couldn’t suckle so we had to squeeze formula into him (and special formula too as he had allergies we found out about, so it’s FUN to be a parent kids!) She had a rotation she was doing too, and we were neither her first nor her last stop, but one time she was examining him and he peed all over her reports. She just shook them off and dried them with paper towels, with the excuse that “becuase he’s drinking formula, his urine is practically sterile”.

    That may well be, but it was STILL pretty gross.

    …in any case, she walked out with those SAME papers tucked under her arm, presumedly to go visit another kid, and good thing for all concerned (and a blessing from the Lord) that my son wasn’t SICK or anything…

    …also kids, don’t get the wrong idea from me maybe being a bit sarcastic about the joys of parenthood. It’s been quite a ride and I got the extended edition due to his birth defect, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world, because I got a wonderful, brilliant adult son out of it.

    …But I would just recommend you wait a bit to HAVE one, get some life experience of your OWN first, because you never know what child exactly that the Lord will choose for you when it’s time, so you need to be ready for ANYTHING…

  11. MJA DECEMBER 30, 2020 AT 2:55 PM
    We must be cousins. lol”

    …I think we ALL are.

    …my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great,great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great granmother was a lady named Eve and she was married to a guy named Adam.


  12. Hospitals have been staffed with “travelers” (RRTs, RNs, etc) long before china flu 19. Even more so now.

    It’s a way to keep them “daily hires” and not on the payroll.

    That’s SOP since O’bola.


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