ESPN Actually Did a Special on NASCAR’s Jussie Smollett – IOTW Report

ESPN Actually Did a Special on NASCAR’s Jussie Smollett

Townhall: ESPN cannot be serious with this special, can they? Did they ignore the FBI report on this matter? Yes, the FBI devoted an insane number of resources to this fake news story that rocked NASCAR who quickly caved to avoid being engulfed by the ‘woke’ mob. They put out a statement faster than you can say ‘Talladega,’ and it was over nothing. Literally nothing. Bubba Wallace claimed a noose was left hanging at his garage spot. Liberal America bought this hook, line, and sinker—and it was all fake. There was no noose. It was a garage tie that was left there from the previous year. It’s all been documented. Why is ESPN doubling down on something that never happened? It never happened

21 Comments on ESPN Actually Did a Special on NASCAR’s Jussie Smollett

  1. I can’t think of a better way to destroy a sport that is in the process of destroying itself. NASCAR used to thrive, now it’s dead to a lot of Americans who were once really interested in it.

  2. “Come back Bubba! Mom wants you! And Pa wants you! All the nooses and racists are gone from the garage now. Bubba come back!” What little Joey would have called out if it was Bubba instead of Shane riding away from Grafton’s saloon.

  3. They are doing it because leftists saw a noose and therefore there was a noose. If you take a minute to torture yourself on social media you’d see there are countless brainless leftists posting this very day, “It is a noose, just not directed at Bubba” and post a picture of the garage pull, and you’ll also notice hundreds of the commenter’s comrades took the time to rationalize the thought and upvote the comment signalling agreement.

    This also speaks to the overall problem we face in America today. Leftists see a self-proclaimed news organization report the news and whatever Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper say becomes settled science. It’s all credible information according to your average leftist. There’s no thought process, leftists have no brains to think for themselves — Even after you prove to them it’s fake news they will argue with you and continue to declare it truthful. It’s their own truth, facts don’t mean jackshit to a leftist when an authoritarian already put the story line in their head.

    Back to Noosecar. What your average lefty doesn’t understand is that a noose has a function. A lefty thinks a noose is racist symbolism, actual function doesn’t matter. A drawing of a noose is just as damaging as the real thing. A noose is a slip knot designed to constrict whatever you put in it, traditionally with 13 wraps around the rope above the loop. Not only does the garage pull not have 13 wraps, it also doesn’t have the ability to slip and constrict. So not only is the symbolism not accurate, neither is the function, therefore it is anything but a noose. But good luck convincing a leftist of that, Robin Roberts already had a “beautiful” interview with Jussie proving beyond a doubt it is a noose and its only function is to symbolize hate to “people of color.” No white people ever in the history of the world has ever been hung with a noose. You can’t compete with their truth.

  4. So THAT’S what I was watching the other night. The Mrs Toxic and I want out to dinner at Texas Steakhouse (decent place, food & service), and on one of the multitude of wall TVs they were showing that abomination. Took me awhile to figure out what that was (no sound). I should have asked the waitress to change the station, but I wasn’t there for the TV, I was there for my wife. So that’s what I paid attention to. A pleasant evening was had by all.

  5. The S and C referring too Stock Car are meaningless.

    NASCAR used to have race cars which actually were based upon real “stock cars” which could be purchased at a dealership and driven on the streets. The overall weight, body, engine displacement, etc, were based upon a “stock car” … Remember the era of the Dodge Daytona and Plymouth Super Bird winged rear spoilers. Now there are 800+ horsepower race cars with front engine and rear drive with an outer shell loosely appearing to be a Toyota Camry, Ford Fusion, etc. which are sold as front engine front drive four cylinder cars.

  6. “My given name is Benjamin Buford Blue, but people call me Bubba. Just like one of them ol’ redneck boys. Can you believe that?”
    “My names Jim Acosta. People call me Jim Acosta. And a few other things.”

    Wow, someone still watches ESPN?

  7. ESPN has been run by Gush lovers for decades. They declared their love for GWB when they fired Boephus 10 years ago!

    For those not familiar with American Folk Music his legal name is Hank Jr.!

    Personal note: I was 10 when his dad killed himself (accident?).
    My monuker is true!

  8. He SUCKS at driving and at being a human being. He’s only there because of the amount of melanin in his skin.
    Kyle Larsen makes him look like a 6 year old kid at a carnival go cart track.

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