Even Italy Is Laughing – IOTW Report

Even Italy Is Laughing

Italian TV just aired this skit mocking Joe Biden and his cognitive decline.

15 Comments on Even Italy Is Laughing

  1. A buddy described some actual things he saw in Italy back in the 70’s-80’s. He lived there for awhile and did not speak Italian. The TV was background noise and he said watching the channels without knowing what was being said was interesting, to say the least.

    The Half-way hardcore stuff wasn’t aired until after 11PM back then. It didn’t need subtitles.

    He enjoyed it there.
    I visited a couple times, but much later, and did too.

  2. There was laughing.
    That rules Fox News Jimmy Failla Show out.

    Holy Shit. Was that awful or what.
    Never again.
    It wasn’t intended either.
    Just happened to be awake overnight for other celebratory reasons. Fox News got turned on and a overnight repeat came on. Jimmy Failla is repulsive. The Hands going back and forth and back and forth. Sickening.

    Here is a tell about Fox.
    If the Fox News Exec that greenlit that show is not fired for cause, then you know the Fox Fix is real.

    I’m still unsettled. Jimmy Failla is creepy as fuck.
    Now I can’t sleep.

  3. It’s pretty sad when the Italians are laughing at you.

    “I started a joke
    Which started the whole world crying
    But I didn’t see
    That the joke was on me, oh no”
    (Bee Gees)

    We’re pathetic – we allow this (the real insult, not Italian comedy)!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. So, do you think this just helped move up the timeline for Biden to be kicked to a nursing home?
    What do you think? Sudden heart attack, stroke, some terrible diagnosis or “disease X”?

  5. Johnny Dollar, are you the Bob Bailey Johnny Dollar or the Edmund O’Brien Johnny Dollar? I prefer Bob Bailey, although Edmund O’Brien is still good at playing Johnny Dollar. Yours truly, Geoff the Aardvark. Just kidding, I listen to many of the old episodes of Yours Truly Johnny Dollar radio programs from the 50’s and early 60’s on Sirius XM’s channel 148 their old-time radio channel which is one of my favorite old-time radio dramas. And did you know that Nick Danger from the Firesign Theater was supposedly a parody of Johhny Dollar. Good stuff, Maynard.

  6. RadioMattM, wow, thanks for the video. That was powerful, not only seeing what Bob Bailey looks like but for the message of not being a sucker and falling for all of the deep states lies and bs. It was Nazi’s and fascists in the 30’s and 40’s and now it’s become the friggin uniparty of the democraps and RINO’s who should know better and are promulgating nothing but messages of division amongst the American people of all races, religions, creed, color, economic status etc. I will not be suckered, thank God that I was born in 1953 when America was still a free country and believed that we were all Americans for the most part. Sure, we had problems with racism, class envy, religious differences etc. But we were trying to overcome it until the democraps and their media allies polluted the minds of avg. Americans with all of this phony baloney garbage that’s currently dividing us. We used to be E Pluribus Unum, it’s written our coins, we need to return to that standard and become one nation under God again and refuse to believe the lies of the left and the gutless weenie RINO’s who want to destroy America as it was founded. I still believe that we are the greatest country that was ever founded on the Earth by our wise founding fathers who fought and died for our freedom as Americans to give us this blessed nation. May we continue to do the same for our children and especially our grandchildren lest they perish not knowing the true history of America and its founding. I know that I’ve said it before because of my love and passion for American history that I should’ve have a history teacher. But I can still teach what I know about history without being a history teacher especially to my young grandkids and their generation the truth about America, both the good and the bad, with an emphasis on the good things and to learn from the mistakes of the bad things in our past where we went wrong.

  7. geoff – teach them that is not the fact that people and nations have problems, it is how you solve the problem that matters. There will always be problems and challenges throughout life. Some people learn how to deal with them in a responsible manner (and learn from it) while others seem to only know how to bitch out them.


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