Even MSNBC comes down HARD on Obama for his statement about Republicans and Iran – IOTW Report

Even MSNBC comes down HARD on Obama for his statement about Republicans and Iran

josh ernest

AllenBWest: Not sure if you had the patience to sit through President Obama’s condescending attempt yesterday to justify the Iran deal. As Col. West summarized it,

President Obama compared those in Iran chanting “Death to America” to those in America who oppose the nuclear agreement with Iran. In other words, if you don’t agree to accept Obama’s acquiescence you are no different from maniacal Islamists.

Well, it seems like we’re not the only ones slightly perturbed by that comparison. Would you believe even MSNBC found it a bit troubling?

MSNBC? Seriously? Maybe there IS hope after all.  more

4 Comments on Even MSNBC comes down HARD on Obama for his statement about Republicans and Iran

  1. Repeatedly, Obama’s words go far beyond typical political bluster, posturing, and rhetoric, even beyond outright lies; he seeks not to inform or persuade but to inflict the deepest of wounds to those who disagree with him, every time he speaks.

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